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[Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery entranceway, 4268 Richmond Street] [graphic].

Aerial views of the Somerton section of Northeast Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [graphic].

Woodlands Cemetery. Main entrance. [graphic] / James Queen.

[East River Drive from the Strawberry Mansion Trolley Bridge, Philadelphia.]

Hood Cemetery postcards.

Entrance to Monument Cemetery.

Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. [graphic] / [J. C. Wild].

General view of Laurel Hill Cemetery. [graphic] / J. Notman Archt. et del. ; On stone by Pinkerton.

Philadelphia Cemetery. On the Passyunk Road. [graphic].

General view of Laurel Hill Cemetery. [graphic].

Northwood Cemetery entrance. The beauty and adaptibility of the grounds are unsurpassed by any cemetery in the country.

Rinkermink (Cobb) Creek, Mount Moriah Cemetery.

Philadelphia Cemetery. On the Passyunk Road.

Woodlands Cemetery. Main entrance.

Entrance to Woodlands Cemetery. [graphic].

Hood's Cemetery entrance.

Hood Cemetery, Germantown

Chapel. [graphic] / J. Notman, Archt. & del.

Franklin's grave postcards.

Benjamin Franklin's grave postcards.

Christ Church burying ground. 5th & Arch Sts. Phila.

[Gloria Dei Church, 929 S. Water Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

Robin Hood Dell, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Islington Lane Philadelphia.

Gloria Dei,

Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.

Old Swedes' Church.

Mount Vernon Cemetery.

Mount Vernon Cemetery, Phila.

Entrance to Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Phila., Pa.

[Hamm monument, Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.]

[William Hill Moore monument, Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa.]

The Bible Christian Church, 3rd St., above Girard Avenue, Phila., 10/77.

Mennonite Meeting house. Main St., [Germantown] [graphic].

[Friend's] Library & graveyard [5418 Germantown Avenue] from roof of [James S.] Jones' store [5401-5 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Liberty building, old graveyard & school-house from Jone's roof, [Germantown] [graphic].

Gloria Dei, Old Swede's Church, Phila[delphia] [graphic].

[Gloria Dei, Old Swede's Church, Phila.], from further S[outh] [graphic].

Friend's Library, graveyard, gymnasium & Primary school house. From roof of Ja[me]s] S. Jones' [drygoods] store, [4739 & 4745 Main Street, Germantown] [graphic].


Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Laurel Hill Cemetery.

[Laurel Hill Cemetery, 3822 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia] [graphic].

View in Laurel Hill Cemetery.

View from south Laurel Hill Cemetery, looking west.

[Laurel Hill Cemetery, 3822 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia]

View at north Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Cedar Glenn [sic], Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Cedar Glenn [sic], Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.
