Trade card for the Philadelphia stove manufacturer showing an African American house cook showing off the households's new "Iron King" stove to a baker delivering pies. The woman in kerchief, shawl, checkered dress and apron points to the stove and states "No more of your pies. The Missus has one of dem Iron King Stove -Shure Baker" to the baker in a baker's hat, smock, apron, and holding a square basket of pies. A kettle, frying pan, pot, and dutch oven rest on the burners of the stove that is marked "Chas. Noble & Co., Philada." Scene also shows a partial view of the baker's delivery wagon (advertising pastry and bread) outside of the open kitchen door. Founded as Abbott & Lawrence in 1851, later renamed Abbott & Noble in 1858, the stove manufactory was reestablished as Charles Noble & Co. in 1870., Advertising text of distributor on verso: Giersh, Senseman & Co., Manufacturers of Tinware, and Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, &c. An Examination of Our Stock Solicited. Sign: Big Coffee Pot. Agents for sale of the Improved Iron King Cool Salem, N.C., Printed on recto: Centennial Award 1876 Philada., Purchased with funds from the Walter J. Miller Trust for the Visual Culture Program.
[ca. 1876]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Noble [P.2014.16.1]