Block numbered in two places: 1668., Image of a well-dressed man in a top hat speaking to two young boys, one on either side of him. One of the boys has put his hands in the air., Tape (inscribed “341”) on obverse.
Block numbered in two places: 6019., Round image of what appears to be a mother figure feeding a baby in bed or in a chair., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.
Block numbered in two places: 5913, block also numbered 183 in two places, now defaced. Block also inscribed 13 on back of block., Image of a man who appears to be in distress, in an interior setting. One of his hands is clasped to his head, and the other appears to be dropping coins [?] into an open drawer., Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 7261., Image of a man holding something in his hand while kneeling on the ground, in a natural setting., Illustration appears in How Peter's pound became a penny (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 21. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Peter finds a pocket-book.", Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in one place: 136., Image of five people in an interior setting, four women and one man. Three of the women are standing behind a table, and the other is seated. All the women appear very startled to see the man, who is cloaked, entering the room., Signed in reverse: Matthews-Robinson SC [i.e. George H. Matthews and John Robinson]. George Matthews was in a partnership with John Robinson between 1867 and 1869., Tape (inscribed “1498”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in one place: 327., Image of a woman and child in a forest. They appear to be observing a woman who is asleep or unconscious on the ground., Signed: Kilburn SC & Close., “Into the Highwa[?] Chap. XVIII?” -- inscribed on side of block., Tape (inscribed “1808”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in one place: 5835, block also numbered 47, now defaced., Image of two girls gathering something liquid into a vessel [?], Illustration appears in Seeds for young sowers (Philadelphia, 1893?). Caption of illustration -- "The children's call.", Illustration also appears in The Book of one hundred and ninety stories (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 48. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "He never dries up.", Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Tape (inscribed “Van In…Snyder”) -- side of block., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 6114., Image of a man with an umbrella talking to a little girl. Next to the girl is a pot, and in the background is a waterfall., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in three places: 8601., Image of a man planting a flag and waving his hat, accompanied by three children, in a natural setting. The girl next to the man is holding a baby.
Block numbered in at least two places: 3766., Image of a man, woman and two children who appear to be walking in a natural setting. The male figure is walking with the assistance of a cane., Tape (inscribed “157”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 6909., Image of a mother and son looking in one direction, in an interior setting., Signed: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 5935, also numbered 70 in two places, now defaced., Image of an old man and a young boy. The boy is sitting on the old man’s knee, in an interior setting. There are books on the shelves behind the chair., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e., Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 7353., Image of a man and a boy in a street setting. It appears that the man is holding the boy back or restraining him in some way. There are bags of what appear to be apples or potatoes lying in the background., Illustration appears in Jack Thorn's knife : how he lost it, and how he found it : in short words (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 86. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "'You young scamp!' said Snow, 'I'm glad I've caught you.'", "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.
Block numbered in one place: 6884., Image of a child and parent reclining together, in an interior setting. A vase of flowers is visible in the background., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in one place: 7124., Image of a couple talking to a man in a fenced-in yard. The man is holding a sign that says ‘Lot 10’, and there is a cat in the background., Illustration appears in "We" versus "I" (Philadelphia, between 1869 and 1893?), p. 14. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1869 to 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Well, Mr. Silas, so you are looking at your new purchase.", "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 5902., Image of a man talking to two children, a boy and a girl, in an interior setting. The boy appears to be holding a hammer [?] and is handing something to the man., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “Flaw” -- inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Block numbered in two places: 5888, also numbered 15 in two places, now defaced., Image of a boy and a girl in an outdoor setting, walking. The girl is towing the boy by the hand., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Block numbered in three places: 6274., Image of two girls in an interior setting. One girl is holding an object intently, and appears to be in some distress, and the other girl appears to be trying to reassure her. Present in the room is a portrait on the wall, a dresser with a mirror, an ottoman, and a chair., Illustration appears in The tattler (Philadelphia, between 1864 and 1893?), p. 195. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "'There, now, see what you have done! You have spoilt it!' exclaimed Patty.", Signed in reverse: Avery SC., “Wells 42 Ann St. NY” -- back of block. Darius Wells is listed at this address (as a dealer in woodtype) in New York city directories from 1841 to 1844., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in five places: 6345., Image of an old man leaning on a cane, who appears to be offering a coin to a small boy. They are outside of a house, directly in front of a fence., “Thy Poor Brother. M.S. p. 87” -- inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in ‘Thy poor brother’ : letters to a friend on helping the poor (Philadelphia, between 1865 and 1893?), frontispiece and p. 113. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1865 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "He put his trembling hand in his pocket and gave the child a halfpenny.", “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “A.S.S.U” -- Back of block.
Block numbered in one place: 129., Image of three men in a natural setting. Two of the men are conversing next to a horse. One of them is pointing towards what appears to be a distant church, while the third man brings two horses toward his companions., Signed in reverse: Matthews-Robinson SC [i.e. George H. Matthews and John Robinson]. George Matthews was in a partnership with John Robinson between 1867 and 1869., Tape (inscribed “1833”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in one place: 6910., Image of a small child in an interior setting. The child appears to be looking at a book on a nearby table., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 5853, also numbered 66 in two places, now defaced., Image of three boys in a street. They appear to be in conversation, and one of them appears to be holding a kite., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Block numbered in one place: 2253., Image of a man who appears to be in distress next to a reclining camel. There is another figure on a camel in the background, in a desert setting., Tape (inscribed “278”) on obverse. There is also a note inscribed “Duplicate Numbers” on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in three places: 6373., Image of a man carrying another man on his back. There is a church and other buildings in the background, which the man on top seems to be gesturing to., “Mutu…Assi…” -- inscribed on back of block. [i.e. Mutual Assistance?], “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 8366., Image of a girl picking flowers in an outdoor setting. The girl appears to be in front of a clothesline, with a building in the background., Illustration appears in The flower-mission, and what grew out of it (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 33. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "There isn't a single bright flower for my bouquet.", Signed in reverse: HM Snyder., "V. Grottenthaler Co., Phila, PA." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in three places: 3936, also numbered 100 in two places, and numbered 3390 in one place. 3930 also inscribed on side of block., Image of an old man, seated, talking to a boy and a girl. Outdoor scene, with a house in the background. The old man is holding a cane, and there is a hat next to him., Illustration appears in The thunder-storm (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 34. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1857 to at least 1870; it was not listed in 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Here is a piece of cake for you.", “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Block numbered in one place: 132., Image of two well-dressed men on horseback, and two cloaked men walking alongside them in a natural setting. Two of the men appear to be in conversation., Attributed to George H. Matthews & John Robinson by S. Robert Teitelman. George Matthews was in a partnership with John Robinson between 1867 and 1869., Tape (inscribed “1812”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in one place: 137., Image of three men on horseback riding towards a settlement [?] where there appears to be a group of soldiers and a man waving to those on horseback., Signed in reverse: Matthews-Robinson SC [i.e. George H. Matthews and John Robinson]. George Matthews was in a partnership with John Robinson between 1867 and 1869., Tape (inscribed “1739”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in two places: 5915, also numbered 136 in two places., Image of a man, two children and a dog. The man is looking towards what appears to be a church, but the children are looking at the dog in an outdoor setting., Illustration appears in The thunder-storm (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 127. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1857 to at least 1870; it was not listed in 1893. Caption of illustration -- "My faithful Plato.", “Church dog” -- inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila." -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Tape (inscribed “Van Ingen Snyder”) on side of block.
Block numbered in one place: 3748., Image of a man resting his head on one of his hands, appearing to be in deep thought. The man’s other hand holds a watch., Tape (inscribed “934”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in four places: 6042., Image of a man beating a camel with a fire poker, in an interior setting., ‘The Peasant and his Guest. “…[illegibile] seized the poker and began beating the camel.”’ – inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The Peasant and his guest : illustrating the history of four boys (Philadelphia, 1862), p. 30. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1893., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 18 no. 24 (1879), p. 2., Signed in reverse: DH [i.e. Henry Dacre?], Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 2856., Image of a man with a cane conversing with two boys, who are both on ladders. The boys appear to be hanging a banner., Block has an open space for printed type., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Image of two seated women who appear to be playing tambourines, possibly in a graveyard., Illustration appears in The pictorial Sunday book: designed for the use of families, Bible classes, and Sunday School teachers: derived principally from the manners and customs of the Jews ; the rites, traditions, and antiquities, of eastern nations, explanatory of many portions of the Old and New Testaments together with interesting descriptions of the principal places mentioned in the Bible, illustrated by numerous landscape scenes, from sketches taken on the spot (New York, 1846), p. 322. Caption of illustration - "Mourning women.", Tape (inscribed “1832”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 7135., Image of an old man, seated, talking to two children. The old man appears to be whittling boats in a beach setting, with a body of water in the background., "V. Grottenthaler Co., Phila, PA." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.
Block numbered in one place: 5849, also numbered 57 in one place., Image of an old woman in a chair watching a small boy reading nearby., Illustration appears in Charlie ; or, The bad habit (Philadelphia, between 1866 and 1893?), p. 53. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from March 1867 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "The old lady sat listening in her armchair.", Illustration also appears in Seeds for young sowers (Philadelphia, 1893?). Caption of illustration -- "Keep thy heart.", Signed in reverse: Vaningen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “Ri…[rest obscured by paper]” – inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in one place: 6040., Image of a man raising a club above his head, threatening the camel that is putting its head in the door. The camel appears to be looking towards a fireplace. There is an empty bottle next to the man’s feet., “The Peasant and his guest. ‘Please get out of my hut or I will make you.”’ – inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The Peasant and his guest : illustrating the history of four boys (Philadelphia, 1862), p. 18. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1893., Signed in reverse: DH [i.e. Henry Dacre?], Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in one place: 115., Image of two well-dressed men on horseback in a natural setting. One of the men has a bird on his wrist, and points with the other hand toward what appears to be a walled city in the distance., Attributed to George H. Matthews & John Robinson by S. Robert Teitelman. George Matthews was in a partnership with John Robinson between 1867 and 1869., Tape (inscribed “1807”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., , Provenance:, , Variant:
Block numbered in two places: 5845, also numbered 58 in one place., Image of a little girl who appears to be staring sadly at a dead bird that is lying on a table next to a birdcage. Outdoor setting, next to a garden shed and tools., Illustration appears in The Little beggar-boy, or, Thou shalt not covet (Philadelphia, between 1867 and 1893?), p. 121. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from March 1867 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Harry had killed him!", Signed in reverse: Vaningen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder.], “…[unintelligible] Bird” -- inscribed on side of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Block numbered in three places: 6252., Image of two boys reading in a natural setting. One of them is sitting on a fence, and the other is seated on a tree stump., “Sunshine & Shadow To…[unintelligible] Chap 1st Vignette” -- inscribed on side of block., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.
Block numbered in two places: 4150., Image of a group of people eating a meal indoors. Many of those present are reclining, and are being waited upon by five servants. The side of the scene appears open to the outside, and palm trees are visible in the far distance., "[unintelligible] p. 17” -- inscribed on side of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
Block numbered in two places: 5973, also numbered 182 in two places, now defaced., Image of a road, and two horse-drawn carriages on it. There is a sign on the road that reads ‘Keep To The Right As The Law Directs’. The driver of the carriage to the sign of the sign appears to be in conversation with a man who is attempting to give the driver something. Present in the background is a building., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
Representation of Christian life as a journey through a maze. The typographical layout of the text follows a maze-like pattern., Augustus Gräter and Alexander Blumer were in business together about 1832 to 1834., Printed area, including ornamental border, measures 35.2 x 29.1 cm., Not in: Checklist Amer. imprints., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1833 Geist 9515.F (Roughwood)
Representation of Christian life as a journey through a maze. The typographical layout of the text follows a maze-like pattern., Augustus Gräter and Alexander Blumer were in business together about 1832 to 1834., Printed area, including ornamental border, measures 35.2 x 29.1 cm., Not in: Checklist Amer. imprints., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[ca. 1833]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1833 Geist 9515.F (Roughwood)
Representation of Christian life as a journey through a maze. The typographical layout of the text follows a maze-like pattern., The Mennonite Publishing Company, Elkhart, Indiana, the successor to the firm of John F. Funk and Brother, was chartered in 1875., Printed area, including holly-leaf border, measures 44.8 x 31.5 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[not before 1875]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1875 Geist 9518.F (Roughwood)
Representation of Christian life as a journey through a maze. The typographical layout of the text follows a maze-like pattern., The Mennonite Publishing Company, Elkhart, Indiana, the successor to the firm of John F. Funk and Brother, was chartered in 1875., Printed area, including holly-leaf border, measures 44.8 x 31.5 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
[not before 1875]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1875 Geist 9518.F (Roughwood)
Hand-colored woodcut of a clock surrounded by twelve Christian passages, with scenes depicting stages of life in each corner., "This European broadside was perhaps imported because it was attractive to residents of German heritage in southeast Pennsylvania. Although twelve-hour prayers are associated with Catholics, they were occasionally used among Pennsylvania Germans, most of whom were Protestants."--Earnest, R. Flying leaves and one-sheets, 106., Printed on laid paper; printed area measures 36 x 28.9 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 1999, p. 23-25.
[ca. 1810?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1810 Christ 9504.F (Roughwood), Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1810 Christ 10130.F (Roughwood)
Hand-colored woodcut of a clock surrounded by twelve Christian passages, with scenes depicting stages of life in each corner., "This European broadside was perhaps imported because it was attractive to residents of German heritage in southeast Pennsylvania. Although twelve-hour prayers are associated with Catholics, they were occasionally used among Pennsylvania Germans, most of whom were Protestants."--Earnest, R. Flying leaves and one-sheets, 106., Printed on laid paper; printed area measures 36 x 28.9 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 1999, p. 23-25.
[ca. 1810?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1810 Christ 9504.F (Roughwood), Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1810 Christ 10130.F (Roughwood)
Block numbered in two places: 8270., Image of a boy kneeling in an interior setting. He appears to be playing with a clock, and looks frightened or scared. Nearby in the room, there is a large globe.
Block numbered in one place: 3777., Image of a seated woman in an interior setting. She appears to be setting down a book., Tape (inscribed “15 or 75”) on obverse.
Block numbered in one place: 148 ; block also numbered 932 (now defaced)., Image of a group of people outside of a log cabin in a forest. In the foreground, a boy appears to be tending to a cooking pot. Most of the other figures are sitting or reclining outside the cabin door., Signed in reverse: Close and J Dalziel., Tape (inscribed “1828”) on obverse., , Provenance:, , Variant: