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ASSU Illustration 6034

ASSU Illustration 6109

ASSU Illustration 6373

Church of the Advocate, (South Memorial), 18th & Diamond Sts. [graphic].

Church of the Advocate. Interior, showing pulpit. [graphic].

Church of the Advocate. Interior, N. transept, Phila. [graphic].

[Distant view of church surrounded by park.]

Church of the Advocate postcards.

Wharton Street Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, 54th and Catharine Street, Philadelphia.

Emmanuel P.E. Church, Holmesburg, Philadelphia.

Our Mother of Sorrows R.C. Church, 48th & Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia.

Old Pennypack Baptist Church. 1688 - 1925.

Church of the Saviour, 38th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

P.E. Holy Innocence, Tacony, Pa.

Messiah P.E. Church, Port Richmond, Philadelphia.

St. David's P.E. Church, Manayunk, Philadelphia.

[Unidentified church.]

[Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, 501-507 Broadway, Camden, NJ.]

[Unidentified church.]

[Unidentified church sanctuary.]

Old Saint Joseph's Church, Philadelphia, Penna. Founded 1733.

[St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Wissahickon, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Church and ice cream parlor]

Cedar Grove chapel.

Confirmation Schein

[Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Broad and Diamond Streets, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Unidentified church with Ionic portico in a residential street. [graphic].

[Sketchbook of architecture in England, France, and Belgium] [graphic].

[4500 block of Franklin Street, near "Grandmother's Alley", Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

["Faith works" model sailboat in an unidentified church] [graphic].

A View of central section of British fortress city Singapore [graphic].

Christ Church [graphic] / C. Th.

[Christ Church.] [graphic].

Christ Church postcards.

Morris-Littel House, Main & High St.

Diamond Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia.

Christ Church postcards.

Christ Church, interior. [graphic].

[Harvest food display in an unidentified church] [graphic].

Interior view Moody & Sankey's place of meeting, Philadelphia.

Church, corner 4th St. & Washington Av. Morrissania, Long Island, N.Y.

Church, corner 4th St. & Washington Av. Morrissania, Long Island, N.Y. [graphic] : 55 x 80 feet.

Christ Church Philadelphia.

[Church of the New Jerusalem, 2129 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Town Hall and Market sheds intersection of Second and Coats Sts., Northern Liberties, 1806. [graphic] / B. R. Evans.

[Old Trappe Church, Trappe, Pa.]

Interior views of unidentified churches, including an Episcopal and Moravian church.

[St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Spring Garden Street, south side, west of 13th Street, Philadelphia]

[Church of the Redemption, Protestant Episcopal. Rev. George A. Durburrow's Church.]

North-east view of St. Peter's Church (Episcopal) Philada. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W. L. Breton.
