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[J.H.R. Richelderfer, manufacturer of gent's fine shirts & collars, 1032 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic]

[Fashion print showing a couple attired in Quaker costume]

Barbara A. Townshind Silhouette Album

[T. Sharpless & Sons, wholesale ware room, clothes, cassimeres, merinoes, silks and vestings, South Second Street and Trotter's Alley, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone by R. E. Reynolds.

[Fold & find 18 changes metamorphic trade card promoting Water Lily Soap] [graphic].


[Portrait of a woman standing in front of a room screen] [graphic].

[Print containing sentimental genre scene and proof vignette bust portraits] [graphic].

Barbara A. Townshind silhouette album [graphic].

Captain in his war dress [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bawdiet (owdich) Esq.

View in Scotland

Great Central Depot, southwest corner of 7th and Market Streets. [graphic].

Ask for Bell Bros. Co.'s sheep-lined coats and ulsters. Manufactured by Bell Bro's Co. Dubuque, Ia.

Continental Clothing Company, 1618 Market Street, Philadelphia.

If you want a cheap suit of clothing go to Commercial Clothing House, 822 Market St., Phila. Don't forget 822 Market Street.

[Views of Saint Domingue] [graphic].

[Man dressed in a clown costume, Manayunk] [graphic].

Compliments of the West End Clothing House, 1634 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. Kuh; prop'r.

ASSU Illustration 3366

[Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, clothing warerooms, 41 North Third Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Jones & Co. of the crescent one price clothing store, No. 200 Market Street, above 6th Philada. [graphic] / On stone by R. F. Reynolds No. 30 S 5th. St.

Hofmeister Woolen Mills, from loom to wearer. Spring 1908. Summer 1908. [graphic].

Master of ceremonies, Frank Shantz.

[Conrad Brothers' trade cards]

A rebel Negro armed & on his guard. [graphic] / Bartolozzi sculpt.

Female quadroon [sic] slave of Surinam [graphic] / Perry sculpt.

[Shankland's American fashions]

[Shankland's American fashions]

Shankland's American Fashions for the Spring & Summer of 1853, 100 Chesnut [sic] Street Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for fall & winter. 1851-2. 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for the spring & summer of 1851, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Shankland's American fashions for the spring & summer of 1852, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

J. Sandberg with J. Simon, dealer in ready-made clothing and gent's furnishing goods, no. 429 North Second Street, East side, Philadelphia.

[Wm. T. Hopkins trade card]

The secret out at last. Why Mrs. Brown has such a perfect figure.

William Heaton, rubber goods of every description, 503 Chestnut St., Philad'a.

What's the matter with that ere dog?

[Unidentified African American girl]

A luxury fleet featuring newest pullman refinements at low travel cost! Pennsylvania Railroad [graphic] : Broadway Limited (All-Room Train). The General New York-Philadelphia-Chicago. "Spirit of St. Louis" New York-Philadelphia-St. Louis. Liberty Limited

Shankland's American fashions for the fall & winter of 1854 & 5, 100 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Life in Philadelphia. Fancy Ball. [graphic] / [Clay], fecit.

We have the nicest styles of men, boys & childrens' clothing at the Globe Clothing House no. 25 N. Eutaw St. near Lexington [graphic].

The Philadelphia fashions & tailors' archetypes. / Published by Samuel A. Ward & Asahel F. Ward. July, 1849. No. 62 Walnut Street, S.W. corner of Third and Walnut Streets. Philadelphia, Penn.

Rockhill & Wilson, tailors & clothiers of men & boys wear, Nos. 205 & 207 Chestnut St & 28 South 6th Street. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease, N.E. cor. 4th & Chestnut Sts.

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia. [graphic] / Executed, by, W. H. Rease No. 17 So. 5th. St.

Lippincott & Co. [clothing] south west corner of Fourth & Market St Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by R.F. Reynolds, No. 78 Dock St.

[Bennett's Tower Hall] Front elevation. [graphic] / Sam'l Sloan, Archt.

The Union now & forever : Houtton & Brother new cheap clothing store, Centre Street, opposite Conner's Office, Ashland, Pa., would respectfully announce to the citizens in general, that they have just received from Philadelphia, a large and beautiful stoc

The new Philadelphia clothing house. Mackey, Johnson, Turner & Co., 922 Chestnut Street.

Painter, Read & Eldredge, fashionable clothing, Franklin Hall, 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
