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In defence [sic] of the Union and the Constitution. [certificate]

The Union Business College [certificate] [graphic].

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic & steam power printing establishment Athenian Building, Franklin Place.

E. Ketterlinus steam power letter press and lithographic printer, Arch and Fourth street, Philadelphia.

Columbia trading with all the world.

The three days of May 1844. Columbia mourns her citizens slain

W.H. Rease. Lithographic artist. No. 17 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia

Soldiers memorial. 4th Regiment. Company F. U.S. Col. Troops [graphic] : Mustered into the United States Service at Baltimore, Md., Aug. 4, 1863, by Col. Wm. Birney.

[Glorification of the American Union]

No more Chinese cheap labor. Celluloid cuffs, collars & bosoms. [graphic].