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Mower Hospital concert, / under the direction of Carl Wolfsohn, on Thursday, May 26th, 1864, at three o'clock. Programme. ...

Matinee musicale by Mrs. Nevins assisted by Miss Susan Galton and others, : at the Amateur Drawing Room, 17th Street, above Chestnut, Thursday, May 20th at 12 o'clock, doors open at half past eleven. Tickets one dollar. To be had at the Drawing Room.

Horticultural Hall, Broad and Walnut Street. Amateur Minstrels, Monday evening, March 28th, 1864. : Programme. ... Doors open at 7 P.M. Performance to commence at 7 1/2. Admittance, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra.

Repetition of volunteer concert, / by Zane St. Grammar School, American Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Streets, Thursday evening, May 23rd, 1861. Doors open at 7. Concert to commence at 7 o'clock precisely. Conductor, Professor John Bower. Pianist, Pr

Grand concert in aid of the Germantown Field-Hospital Association, and the School Lane Sewing Circle, : at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, on Monday evening, December 12th, 1864. Carl Wolfsohn, accompanist. M.F. Aledo, leader of instrumental septette. ...

Masonic Hall! Manayunk For 2 nights only Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 25th and 26th, 1863. : The original and only Blaisdell Brothers, and their troupe of Swiss bell ringers! In national Swiss costume Playing 239 bells ... The troupe will be aided and ass

The Hutchinson Family! "The Tribe of Asa" : Asa B. Hutchinson, Lizzie, C. Hutchinson, Abby Hutchinson. Freddy Hutchinson, O. Dennett Hutchinson. Whose concerts for twenty-two years have received the cordial approval and patronage of the musical public, at

Second concert by the Hutchinson Family! At Spring Garden Institute, : corner Broad and Spring Garden Sts., Monday evening, Jan. 12, 1863. All will appear! Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Freddy and little Dennett, singing their new songs of patriotism, Union, and fre

Handel and Haydn Hall corner of Eighth and Green Streets. Friday evening, Jan'y 16th, 1863 : The Hutchinson Family! ("Tribe of Asa,") concert. Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Freddy and little Dennett Hutchinson return their sincere thanks to the numerous friends in t

Second and last concert by the Hutchinson Family, at Langstroth's Hall: Germantown, : Saturday evening, January 24th, 1863. All will appear! Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Freddy and little Dennett singing their new songs of patriotism, Union, freedom, &c. ... Admiss

Sixth and last night of the "Tribe of Asa" at the Handel and Haydn Hall, : corner of Eighth and Green Streets, on Thursday evening, February 5th, 1863. The Hutchinson Family renewedly grateful to their numerous friends and patrons in Philadelphia, for the

The original Hutchinson Family! Old folks and young folks : recently from their successful engagements in Boston, Eastern cities and Northern New York, before enthusiastic houses, announce with pleasure to their friends at this place that they will give o

Concert Hall immense success : Every evening, at eight o'clock, and matinees Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 2.30. Doors open one hour previous. Tom! The blind Negro boy--of musical inspiration! Sightless and untutored from birth--his very soul over

American Academy of Music First grand concert given under the management of the New York Jewelers' Association, : on which occasion they will have the honor to present the following artistes: Mr L.M. Gottschalk! the world-renowned pianist; Miss Josephine

A Grand concert! of vocal and insturmental music, : to be held at the Assembly Buildings for the benefit of the widow of the late Prof. John A. Janke on which occasion a number of ladies and gentlemen will appear, all having in the kindest manner voluntee

Notice. The management regrets exceedingly to announce that the sudden indisposition of Signor Brignoli : (as will be seen from the annexed certificate from Doctor W.F. Atlee) will prevent his appearance this evening. They are happy to state, however, tha

Grand vocal & instrumental matinee, at Sansom Street Hall, : on Saturday, Feb. 28th, 1863, for the benefit of Mrs. Amelia Mezzara who has been a nurse in the U.S. Army hospitals, and in the field, since the First Battle at Bull Run. ... Programme. ... To

The Hutchinson Family! "Tribe of Asa," will give a benefit concert for the sick & wounded soldiers : under the care of the Penn Relief Association, at the Spring Garden Institute, corner Broad and Spring Garden Streets, on Friday evening, Jan. 30, 1863, w

"Great gathering of the clans." : Grand Union Scottish concert, will be given in the Musical Fund Hall, Locust St., above Eighth, Monday evening, March 31st, 1862, for the benefit of the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons, / under the auspices of the St. Andre

A grand promenade concert will be given by Emanuel Lodge, No. 30, A.Y.M., : on Friday evening, May 1st, 1863 at Franklin Hall, Sixth Street, below Arch. For the benefit of the lodge. / Music under the direction of Prof. H. Craig Committee of arrangements: