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Philadelphians, to arms!! At a meeting of Company C., 2nd Regiment Rifles, held at their armory, 38th and Bridge Sts., on Thursday evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the present crisis makes it necessary that every citizen should be prepared to aid the government and protect his own home from the encroachment of an enemy who is making rapid advances towards accomplishing his wicked purposes, therefore Resolved, that Captain Corrie be requested to issue an immediate call, commanding each enrolled member of our corps to meet on Saturday evening, Sept. 6th, at the armory, for drill. Resolved, that each and every citizen be requested, in pursuance of the suggestion of Gov. Curtin, to unite with us in learning the drill, and thus prepare themselves for such efficient duty as the exigency of the present state of affairs seems to require. Resolved, that the citizens be invited to attend at a general mass meeting to be held on Monday evening, Sept. 8th, at the lot in front of the armory. The meeting will be addressed by several distinguished speakers and arrangements made to fill up the ranks of this company and to form others
Sept. 8 fell on a Monday in 1862., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Phila (1)5777.F.27f (McAllister)