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[Fold & find 18 changes metamorphic trade card promoting Water Lily Soap] [graphic].

Dr. Roby's Brazilian Hair Curling Liquid. This preparation will cause the hair to curl beautifully, and is warranted not to injure it in the least. Prepared only by Storrs & Co. No. 21, North Sixth Street Philadelphia. For sale here.

The coming power. "Swiftsure soap." Compliments of Ecker & Co., Otis & Holman Sts., Phila., Pa.

No rewashing - always uniform. Kirk's blue India soap. No blueing required when this soap is used.

Use Eavenson's diamond soap.

"And then, the lover sighing like furnace."

McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Manufacturers fine toilet soaps, Philadelphia. [graphic].

[Medley of Soaps]. Manufactured by McKeone, Van Haagen & Co. Philada. & N. York.

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

[Van Haagen's Toilet Soap, Benj. Brooke & Co., Manufs., Philadelphia trade cards]

Lavine, Hartford Chemical Works, 30 Union Place. Try Lavine for washing.

Use ideal quinine and sulphur soap.

E.R. Smiley, pharmacist, N.W. cor. 12th & Jefferson, Philadelphia.

Colgate & Co.'s "new" soap. The "new" soap in oval cakes unequalled for laundry use.

Bush & Co.'s borax soap company, Philadelphia.

A. Hawley & Co., perfumers and chemists, no. 39 North Fourth Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

The genuine Murray & Lanman Florida Water the richest of all perfumes.

Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved hair restorer. Favorite hair dressing. New style in one bottle. Price, one dollar.

[Solicitations to Pancoast F. Hoy, Schuylkill Haven, Pa.]

[Higgins' German laundry soap trade cards]

D.S.B. & Co. New York. Soap makers & perfumers.

[B.T. Babbitt's Best trade cards]

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.

Buckingham's dye for the whiskers.

Hall's vegetable Sicilian hair renewer. Prevents gray hairs and baldness.

C.L. Jones & Co. tulip soap [graphic].

Ole zip coon. Use kitchen and hand, mineral soap [graphic].

Harrison's Columbian hair dye [graphic] : Manufactured by Apollos W. Harrison, 8 1/2 South 7th St.

[Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap. [graphic]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Scrapbook with linen pages] [graphic].