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[Nineteenth-century view of a group of people attired in fancy dress]

[Nineteenth-century view of a group of people attired in fancy dress] [graphic].

Major E. Newell, with Genl. Tom Thumb's Museum. H.R. Jacobs, manager.

[Peace Jubilee parade, people marching in costumes in front of Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee [paper doll]

49th social assembly and fancy dress party of the Mercantile Reading Association. Musical Fund Hall, Thursday March 22, 1866 [graphic].

[Wilbur Wilford in a canoe], Carnival, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Miss Avery as Elaine, Pocono L[ake, PA]. Carnival [graphic].

Miss Avery + Wilbur Wilford, Pocono Lake Carnival, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Miss Avery + C. Wilbur Wilford, Pocono Lake Carnival, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Falconers, Pocono L[ake], [PA] [graphic].

Sharpless, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Pocono L[ake] Carnival, [PA] [graphic].

Our canoe, Pocono Lake Carnival, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[225th aniversary of Germantown parade, Germantown, Pa.] [graphic].

[Peace Jubilee parade, Battle of Tivoli float in front of the Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, Concord float in front of the Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

Log cabin in "Ye olden times."

[B.T. Babbitt's Best trade cards]

Costumes at Manheim Fete [graphic].

Fete at Manheim for G[erman]t[ow]n Hospital [graphic].

Fete at Manheim for G[erman]t[ow]n Hospital [graphic].

Esther White + Eliz[abeth] Jones, Pocono Lake, [PA] [graphic].

Maennerchor carnaval [sic]. Mardi Gras. Tuesday, Febry 29th, 1876. Academy of Music [graphic] / Th. Bosin.

[Halloween party, Doering family and friends in costume at the Doering residence, 1837 N. Bouvier Street, Philadelphia.]

BRL? minstrels of Philadelphia

Catalogue of theatrical and public celebrities

Wistar Evans & C. Stuart Wurts, [Manheim Fete] [graphic].

Tally Ho at Manheim Fete [graphic].

Frank Palmer as Freddy Hickenstein, [Manheim Fete] [graphic].

Fete at Manheim for G[erman]t[ow]n Hospital [graphic]

Halloween party given by the Craftsman Club of the Reading Co.

[Philadelphia children in blackface]

J. Wistar Evans, Stuart Wurts. Hospital Fete for Germantown at Manheim [graphic].

[Finale of an unidentified theatrical production]

[Charles J. Webb Company float during a parade along a Philadelphia street]

Richard DeReef Venning Photograph Album

[Album of Richard DeReef Venning] [graphic].