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A part of the 4,000,000 bale yearly cotton crop of Texas.

Joseph Ripka's mills. Manayunk 21st Ward Philadelphia. Manufacturer of all description of plain and fancy cottonades for men & boy's clothing warehouse 32 So Front St. [graphic] / Lith. of W. H. Rease N.E. cor. 4th & Chesnut.

Negresse battant le coton au lieu de le carder [graphic].

Negresse filant le coton [graphic].

H.M.S. Pinafore.

Brook's prize medal spool cotton. Hand & machine sewing.

Joseph Ripka's mills. Manayunk 21st Ward Philadelphia. Manufacturer of all description of plain and fancy cottonades for men & boy's clothing warehouse 32 So. Front St.

A "corner in cotton." [graphic].

"We's done all dis s'mornin'." [graphic].

Brazilian Cotton Exhibit - Agricultural Building

[Clark's O.N.T. spool cotton trade cards]

Cars loaded with cotton bales on levee near cotton growing district, Texas.

Cotton plantation scene.

"We's done all dis s'mornin'." [graphic].

Arbuckle's ariosa coffee. Arbuckle Bros. Coffee Company, New York. [graphic].

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

[Clark's mile end spool cotton trade cards]

[Chestnut Street, east of Second Street, south side, Philadelphia]

Seventh National Bank, 401 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Seventh National Bank, 401 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [graphic] / M.P. Simons, photographer, and dealer in stereoscopes and stereoscopic pictures, No. 1320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Cotton is king. Plantation scene, Georgia, U.S.A. [graphic].

Golden Cottolene, N.K. Fairbanks & Co. Chicago. [graphic].

Cottolene [graphic].

[Proof vignette of Southern planter and scenes from the South]

John Bull makes a discovery. [graphic]

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

Custom house and post office - Chestnut above 4th

Custom house and post office - Chestnut above 4th [graphic] / M.P Simons, 1320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.