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- Title
- Mementos of the Rebellion. Confederate notes and shinplasters The undersigned has just published perfect fac-similes of the following "Confederate States of America" notes and shinplasters, which will be found curious as well as interesting mementos of the Rebellion. ... Retail price, 5 cents each. Trade supplied at $2 per 100, or $15 per 1000
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Upham, Samuel C. (Samuel Curtis), 1819-1885
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Upham 5795.F.137i (McAllister)
- Title
- Half price! Half price! Confederate notes and shinplasters selling at one-half former prices Fourteen different rebel notes, shinplasters and postage stamps, perfect fac-similes of the originals, (printed in red, green and black ink,) sold by the 100 or 1,000 at the following reduced rates:-- 50 cents per 100, or $4 per 1,000. One each of the fourteen different kinds sent post-paid to any address, on receipt of 25 cents. All orders by mail or express, promptly executed
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Upham, Samuel C. (Samuel Curtis), 1819-1885
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Upham 5795.F.128f (McAllister)
- Title
- Mementos of the Rebellion. Rebel notes, shinplasters and postage stamps The undersigned has just published perfect fac-similes of the following rebel notes, shinplasters and postage stamps, which will be found curious as well as interesting mementos of the Rebellion. ... Retail price of the notes and shinplasters, five cents each. Postage stamps, three cents each. Agents supplies with notes and shinplasters, at $2 per 100, or $15 per thousand. Postage stamps, at $1 per 100, or $7 50 per thousand. One each of the above notes, shinplasters and postage stamps, sent post-paid to any address, on the receipt of fifty cents. Quick sales and large profits. Upwards of 80,000 of the notes, shinplasters and postage stamps have been sold during the past four weeks, and the cry is still for more. Orders by mail and express promptly filled
- Description
- Facsmiles of two notes on verso., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Upham, Samuel C. (Samuel Curtis), 1819-1885
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Upham 5795.F.139i (McAllister)
- Title
- The man that blocks up the highway
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing President Andrew Johnson and his reconstruction policies as sympathetic to Southerners and an obstruction to Radical Republican policies and African American civil rights. Depicts Johnson with jackass ears standing at a road block labeled "veto" and greeting pardoned former Confederates, including an unrepentant white man counterfeiter and two white men ruffians. The ruffians brag about the murder of major-generals, curse the Yankees, and threaten an overthrow of the North and nullification of civil rights after the re-establishment of a Southern presence in the Congress. As Johnson welcomes the Southerners, he orders Secretary of State William Seward, attired as a servant, to pass around whiskey, belittles the barred "Radical Republicans," and boasts about his veto power. Behind the "veto" barricade, carriages driven by Republicans and labeled "Freedman's Bu[reau]," "Civil Rights," and "[Recon]struction," including one attended by an African American man portrayed in racist caricature, stand idle (an allusion to Johnson's vetoes of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the renewal of the Freedman's Bureau). The drivers compare Johnson with Marc Anthony who was "blowing before the People about his great love for the Constitution while conspiring with Caesar for the overthrow of the Republic." In the right, near crates of "Southern Appointments" and "Southern Pardons," John Bull and French dictator Napoleon III stand. Napoleon praises Johnson, proclaiming him "Emperor Americane." Also includes, a shack adorned with the sign "Andy Johnson Tribune of the People" in the background., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866-5W [5760.F.111]