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The Road to peace through Pennsylvania via Washington, as engineered by Southern Rebels and their Democratic allies. : From the Richmond enquirer, (Jeff. Davis' organ,) Sept. 7, 1860 [sic]. The road to peace. ... Men of Pennsylvania! Are you prepared for

Democratic catechism of Negro equality. : July 4th, 1863.

Randall, Josiah, 1788-1866

Arbitrary arrests! : The platform. ... The candidate. ... Interference with elections. The platform. ... The candidate. ...

Arbitrary arrests! : The platform. ... The candidate. ... Interference with elections. The platform. ... The candidate. ...

Willkührliche Verhaftungen. : Die Platform. ... Der Candidat. ... McClellan's Instructionen zur Verhaftung der Maryland Legislatur am 16. September 1861. Einmischung in die Wahlen. Die Platform. ... Der Candidate. ... McClellan's Instructionen für die Mar

Rally Democrats! And stand by the Constitution! : A mass meeting of the Democratic citizens of Philadelphia, will be held on Monday evening, June 1, 1863 at 8 o'clock, in Independence Square! To consider and express their opinions upon the arbitrary arres

Coxe, Edmund L.

McCauley, Francis G.

War Democrats : if you elect McClellan and Pendleton, and M'Clellan then dies, what will become of the country with George H. Pendleton as its chief magistrate?

Philadelphia, November, 1864. Sir:--On Tuesday next will be the presidential election, : and these few plain words are addressed to you in no partisan spirit, but with a deep and earnest feeling for the Union and a desire that each voter shall realize the

Strembeck, Jacob, 1755-1841

Sargent, Thomas, 1782-1860

Democrats rally, and support the genuine ticket! : President, Geo. B. McClellan. Vice president, C.L. Vallandigham. Governor, Geo. W. Woodward. Supreme judge, Walter H. Lowrie.

The two platforms. [graphic]

A proslavery incantation scene or Shakespeare improved. [graphic]

How free ballot is protected. [graphic] / J.E. Baker, del.

Not a drum was heard nor a funeral note as his corpse to the ramparts we hurried -- : Not a loco discharged his farewell shot o'er the ditch where our hero we buried. [graphic] / H. Buchholzer.

The little giant - in the character of the gladiator. [graphic] /. For Sale at 217 Walnut St. Phila.

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.

"The nigger" in the woodpile. [graphic]

[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].

"Your plan and mine." [graphic]

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

Handicap race presidential stakes 1844. [graphic] /. EWC.

The great presidential race of 1856. [graphic]

The Democratic platform [graphic]

Political caricature no.3. The abolition catastrophe, or the November smash-up. [graphic]