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Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steamboat "New Jersey," on the Delaware River, above Smith's Island, on the night of March 15th, between 8 and 9 o'clock, in which dreadful calamity over 50 lives are supposed to have been lost.

Accident on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, near Burlington, N.J. Aug. 29th 1855. 21 persons killed, 75 wounded.

Conflagration of the steam boat New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philada.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey," [graphic] : On the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, on the night of Saturday, March 15th, 1856, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by which dreadful calamity sixty-one lives were lost. Nam

Explosion and burning of the cartridge factory, cor. Tenth and Read [sic], March 2[9]th 1862.

The great conflagration in Philadelphia on Tuesday July 9th 1850.

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey," [graphic] : On the Delaware River, opposite Philadelphia, on the night of Saturday, March 15th, 1856, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by which dreadful calamity sixty-one lives were lost. Nam

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey"

Terrible conflagration and destruction of the steam-boat "New Jersey,"