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ASSU Illustration 6430

ASSU Illustration 3383

ASSU Illustration 7788

Hill on road near Heron Bay, Southampton, [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Older African American man seated on donkey]

[African American man pulling a donkey on a rope] [graphic].

[African American man riding a donkey] [graphic].

[African American man holding on to a bucking donkey] [graphic].

Jay Rial's ideal Uncle Tom's Cabin. [graphic] :   L.H. Stockwell as lawyer Marks & his trained donkey Jerry.

[J.E. Caldwell & Co. trade cards]

Old darkey & donkey cart, on road at head of Hamilton Harbor, [Bermuda] [graphic].

[Group in a wagon], canoeing, Egg Harbor River, NJ [graphic].

Go to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's for the lowest prices in dry goods & notions, 442 & 444 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. [graphic].

Ask for the "Wenck" perfumes. (Warranted the best.) And take no other. [graphic].

J.C. Hand & Co. Fine furniture, no. 1205 Market Street, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

No. 9 Coming events [graphic] / McGreer.

[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]

[Academy of Music trade cards]

[I] take the responsibility. [graphic] / Hassan Straightshanks, Del.

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.