Contains images of the dormitories built 1894-1911 after designs by Cope & Stewardson. Includes exterior views of the entrance and views from inside and outside the quadrangle., Contains 13 postcards printed in color and 9 printed in black and white., Founded as a charity school in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin. Original school buildings located at 4th and Arch Streets, then moved into the Presidential Mansion at 9th and Chestnut Streets in 1802. The mansion was cleared away in 1829 and two larger university buildings were constructed. Expanded to a much larger West Philadelphia campus in 1875., Digitized with funding from a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Brightbill, George M., collector
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Brightbill postcards [University of Pennsylvania - Dormitories - 163]
Aerial view of the University of Pennsylvania, particularly the Quadrangle dormitories and surrounding area., Negative number: 1587., Record revised with information supplied by former Aero Service employee Carl H. Winnefeld, Jr.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
March 27, 1922
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.1587]
Aerial view of the University of Pennsylvania looking east across the Schuylkill River toward Center City. Includes views of the Quadrangle dormitories, Franklin Field, and the University Museum. Industrial activity along the Schuylkill River can be seen., Negative number: 2896., Record revised with information supplied by former Aero Service employee Carl H. Winnefeld, Jr.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1922
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.2896]
Aerial view of the University of Pennsylvania looking east across the Schuylkill River toward Center City. Includes views of the Quadrangle dormitories, Franklin Field, and the University Museum. Industrial activity along the Schuylkill River can be seen., Negative number: 4308., 4308 not digitized; negative is damaged and cannot be scanned.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1920
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.4308]
Aerial view of the University of Pennsylvania looking east across the Schuylkill River toward Center City. Includes views of the Quadrangle dormitories, Franklin Field, and the University Museum. Industrial activity along the Schuylkill River can be seen., Negative number: 6359n.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1926
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.6359n]
View through arch of University of Pennsylvania dormitories known as The Quad, or Quadrangle Dormitories. Arch is adorned with ivy, columns, and various decorative architectural elements. In the distance, Provost's Tower is visible. Architectural firm Cope and Stewardson designed the Quad, which was built from 1894 - 1911. It is located between S. 36th St., S. 38th St., Spruce St., and Woodland Ave. That part of Woodland Ave. is now called Hamilton Walk., Photographer's manuscript note on verso: U. of P. Arch and Gate Tower. Dormatory Bldgs. 37" and Woodland. Elizabethian., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
Wilson, G. Mark (George Mark), 1879-1925, photographer
ca. 1923
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Wilson 177 [P.8513.177],
Depicts steps leading up to colonnade of Quadrangle dormitory building between Woodland Ave. (today's Hamilton Walk), Spruce St., 36th St., and 38th St. on the University of Pennsylvania campus. The Quadrangle was built between 1894-1911 and designed by architects Cope and Stewardson., Photographer's manuscript note on verso: U. P. West end of Dormatories [sic]. 37" and Woodland., Gift of Margaret Odewalt Sweeney., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
Wilson, G. Mark (George Mark), 1879-1925, photographer
ca. 1923
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Wilson 131 [P.8513.131],
Aerial views of the University of Pennsylvania campus and area around Spruce Street from 33rd to 38th Streets. Includes views of the Quadrangle dormitories, Franklin Field, the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and the Irvine Auditorium (under construction)., Negative numbers: 7125, 7126, 7127, 7664, 7667.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1927
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.7125-7127; P.8990.7664; P.8990.7667]
Views show the House of Refuge site that opened in 1850 between Parrish and Brown Streets between Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth Streets. Exterior views depict the front lawn of the White Boys Department, designed by John McArthur, Jr., facing west and south, showing men and women standing, sitting, and lying on the landscaped lawn near the ivy-covered building. Views includes dogs, flower beds and planters. Another view shows boys in uniform belonging to the drum and flute corps of the brass band standing on the entrance stairs to the five-bay, ivy-covered White Boys Department. Men and boys are visible in the windows on the first floor. Interior views of the White Boys Department depict rows of single beds in the dormitory, the stark wide hallway of the "B" division, the kitchen, and the dining room with long rows of tables covered with place settings in preparation for a meal., Photographer's imprint on versos in decorative font. Includes vignette of painting palette with brushes extending through the hole., Descriptions of images written in manuscript notes on versos., Yellow curved mounts with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Chillman, P. E. (Philip Edward), 1841-1915
[ca. 1885]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Chillman - Prisons [P.9523.1-7]