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Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

Fred. Douglas[s]

Douglass wird von Coven gezüchtigt [graphic].

The fugitive's song [graphic] / designed by E.W. Bouvé.

Frederick Douglass, 1817?-1895 [graphic].

Frederick Douglass

Fred. Douglass. [graphic] / Sarony's and Gurney & Son's Celebrities a Speciality.

The Fifteenth Amendment. Celebrated May 19th 1870. [graphic] / From an original design by James C. Beard.

From the plantation to the senate

The result of the Fifteenth Amendment, and the rise and progress of the African race in America and its final accomplishment, and celebration on May 19th A.D. 1870. [graphic]

Distinguished colored men

Heroes of the colored race

American Celebrities Albums

American celebrities album

Afro-American historical family record