Johnny Schmoker, Johnny Schmoker (65 lines), Variant: a. With 59 lines; publ. Auner (5); [with SECESSIA LAND on verso.] A-J border. 23 x 14.9 cm., Variant: b. With narrative beginning: "In this song, an old German musician tells his friend, Johnny Schmoker"; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan comic heads border. 25 x 16.5 cm., Variant: c. Long lines; sheet no. 812; publ. Partridge (6). T. o. border. 22.9 x 16.9 cm.
Oh, dear! it's a wery case, I must say (5 vs.) Air: The lad wi' the carrotty head. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border, col. 25.3 x 17 cm.
'Tis of a rich Dutchman in Niew Yorck did live (8 vs.) Tune, "Villikins and his Dinah." By Snyderskype., Variant: a. Print. Andrews. T. o. border. 24.4 x 15 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] with Astley's imprint added. 24.3 x 15.7 cm., Variant: c. Sheet no. 346; publ. Wrigley (1); [with CORCORAN'S IRISH LEGION on verso.] Wrigley military cupid border. 24.4 x 14.3 cm.
I marry my frow- some childer I gets (5 vs. and chor.) Sung by Mr. S. Barry, at the Bowery Theatre, with Thunders of Applause; print. Andrews; with Astley's imprint added. T. o. border. 24 x 15.6 cm.
Ja, das schbnste Leben (3 vs.) Sheet no. 69; [publ.] Magnus (2), Deutsche und englische Buchdruckerei; zu haben bei A. Maierhofer, Buchhandler. Letter paper; blue ink; t. o. border. 20.2 x 12.6 cm.
White folks, listen unto me (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan military cupid border. 25 x 16.7 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 1156; originally sung by Nelse Seymour; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley Ethiopian border. 23.7 x 15.5 cm.
There is a General in the West whose deeds have come to fame (5 vs.) Air: New-York Volunteer., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border, col. 24 x 16.5 cm., Variant: b. [Without hyphen joining New York;] dedicated to them by John C. Cross; sheet no. 830; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley flag border, stripes with starry top, col. 24.5 x 15.5 cm.
Soldaten! frisch auf zum Schachtfeld hinaus (5 vs.) Nach der Melodie: "Jetzt gang i an's Brlinnele andc." Ein Unions lied von John Singer, Jr.; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan border with eagle, drapery with stars and stripes, col. 25 x 16.3 cm.
Vatpizeness dem fellers vay up on the ski (7 vs.) Air: Vilikinsand his Dinah [Signed] Hans Lubeck, 43rd Street, New York., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (1). De Marsan military cupid border, col. 25 x 16 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] publ. De Marsan (4). 26 x 15.9 cm.
Now ladies and gentlemen, just in time (9 vs. and chor.) Sung by Jerry Merrifield, Sanford and Rochez, Come- dians and Vocalists, at the Arcade Concert Saloon, 127 Grand Street, with unanimous approbation; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan clown border. 24.7
Dey sing apout dere Champagne Swells, all ofer in dis town (4 vs. and chor.) Parody on Champagne Charley by J. L. S.; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 24.6 x 16.3 cm.
Of you'll look at us your oud (3 vs. and chor.) Words by Harry Bennett; Music by Gus Williams; adv: By sending Johnson (4) 12 three-cent stamps; publ. John- son (4). 20.2 x 12 cm.
Sword, on my left side, gleaming, (17 vs.) [By] Korner; with explanation at beginning of song: Korner was born Sept. 23, 1791...; 2nd song: "Washington's Statue"; 3rd song: "Prayer During Battle"; with 2 notes at end of songs: "Presented to the sick and wounded Soldiers of America...", and "On that day, in the beautiful language of Robert Burns..." 36.4 x 15.3 cm.
Oh! once I was a little dreary (3 vs. and chor.) By Morris Stransky; 2nd song: "Jackey, De Butcher Boy"; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 24.6 x 16 cm.
Traitor, spare that Flag (4 vs. with 2nd line reading: "Touch not a single Star") Air—"Woodman spare that tree"., Variant: a. Varying, with colon after "Air"; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border, col. 25.5 x 16 cm., Variant: b. By the Rev. J. P. Lundy. A-J border. 20.2 x 12.5 cm. (cropped), Variant: c. [As above;] adv: Ten illustrated Songs, publ. Magnus (1). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 41a, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 20.5 x 12.7 cm., Variant: d. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 41b, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 20.5 x 12.4 cm., Variant: e. By the Rev. J. P. Lundy. Letter paper; single-line border; hdpc. Magnus 202, col. 20.2 x 12.6 cm., Variant: f. With 'Parody. "Woodman, spare that Tree".' following title; with exclamation points in title and first line; [without Air;] sung at the Academy of Music, May 16, by the Pupils of the Zane Street Grammar School, for the forma- tion of a Fund for the rel, Variant: g. With exclamation points in title and first line; with Adaptation of Woodman, Spare that Tree following title; [without "Air";] by Rev. J.P. Lundy; print. Thompson (2). Flag. 17 x H.5 cm.
Down near the Battery (4 vs.) As sung by Dick McGowan, the great Favorite Banjoist., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (2). De Marsan clown border, col.; cop: 1860, H. De Marsan, SDN.Y. 25 x 15.8 cm., Variant: b. [As above; without cop.] 25 x 17 cm.
Come, listen to my rythming, and I'll not detain you long (7 vs.), Variant: a. As sung, with great success, by Wm. Jennings; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan clown border. 25.7 x 16.1 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] De Marsan trapper border. 24.4 x 15.5 cm., Variant: c. With period after "NO" in title; sheet no. 591; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.6 x 14.7 cm., Variant: d. Title as above, [without period after "2";] sheet no. 873; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley Ethiopian border. 24.3 x 15.4 cm.
Did you ever chance into a poor Dutchman's shanty (8 vs.) Air: The Irishman's Shanty. Composed by "John Mackenzie", of New York; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan military cupid border, col. 24 x 16 cm.
My name it is Michal from Dutchland I came (5 vs.) Air: Villikins and his Dinah. By A.S.; publ. De Marsan (2). De Marsan clown border, col. 25 x 16.2 cm.
O wie manche schb'ne Stunde (8 vs.) Headed: "Zwei Lieder": 2nd song: "Ach, ich hab' in meinen Jahren" [signed] Charles Michael, Mauch Chunk, Carbon County, Pa. T. o. border. 28.3 x 19.3 cm.
I've come shust now to tell you how (5 vs. and chor.) Air.—The Girl I left behind Me. Written by John F. Poole, and sung by H. W. Egan., Variant: a. Publ. Auner (4). A-J border. 23 x 14 cm., Variant: b. Publ. Auner (5). A-J border. 22.7 x 14.5 cm., Variant: c. With colon after "Air"; "me" in Air; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border, with war scenes in lower corners. 25.2 x 15.7 cm., Variant: d. [As above;] [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 25.5 x 15.8 cm., Variant: e. [Without "Air" and names of author and singer;] pub- lished and sung by James D. Gay; [with FLAG OF OUR UNION FOR EVER on recto.] T. o. border. 23.2 x 16 cm., Variant: f. [As above; with GOOD LAGER BIER on recto.] 23.6 x 17.3 cm., Variant: g. Publ. [JJohnson (2), without Johnson's initials. T. o. border. 22.3 x 12.8 cm., Variant: h. [As above;] A-J border. 21.2 x 12.6 cm., Variant: i. [As above;] adv: Johnson's New Catalogue. T. o. border. 22.7 x 12.7 cm., Variant: j. Publ. Johnson (2), with Johnson's initials; adv: 600 different kinds of songs. A-J border. 23.7 x 14.8 cm., Variant: k. With comma after "Air"; "girl" and "me" in Air; varying: "sung by W. H. Eagan, Ethiopian Comedian, with usual success, at the American Theatre, 444 Broadway"; adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 102, co, Variant: l. [Without names of author and singer;] with dash after Air; and "me" in Air; sheet no. 831; publ. Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.3 x 15.5 cm. m. [As above;] sheet no. 1116; [imprint blank.] Wrigley horned imp border. 22.8 x 15 cm.
Come all you vifes and maidens, and attention give to me (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. 2nd song: "I'm A Merry Laughing Girl"; publ. De Marsan (2). De Marsan horned imp border, col. 25.5 x 16.7 cm., Variant: b. Written by S. S. Sanford and sung at Sanford's Opera House, Philadelphia; adv: Cards, Circulars, Billheads, etc. [printed twice;] publ. Johnson (2). T. o. border. 20.2 x 13 cm.
I'll sing to you a song, that you all like to hear (7 vs. and chor.) Air: - Bold Privateer. Sheet no. 520; As sung by Mr. Frank Shell, comic vocalist, at White's opera 598 Broadway, N.Y. T.o. border. 21.5 x 11.4 cm.
Oft/ I vants to go home...was the doleful cry (3 vs. and chor.) Music published by Endres and Compton; obtained of Wm. A. Pond and Co.; [publ.] De Marsan (3) De Marsan trapper border. 26 x 16.2 cm.
I'll sing you now a Ditchen song 'bout Hans Von Krouplegheet (5 vs.), Variant: a. [Without period at end of title;] Air - Fine Old English Gentleman; Composed and sung by J. F. Poole; print. Andrews., Variant: bc. Without "The" in title, with "Dietchen" in 1st line; Tune. - "The Fine Old English Gentleman;" publ. Johnson (2); adv: Cards, Circulars, Bill-Heads, etc. A-J border. 23.8 x 14.8 cm., Variant: b. [Without "The" in title.] A-J border. 20.1 x 15.2 cm. (cropped), Variant: c. Sheet no. 672; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley horned imp border, col. 24.7 x 15.6 cm.
Will you come with me, my Billy, into the cellar, near (5 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (2). De Marsan horned imp border, col. 24.5 x 16 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 719; publ. Wrigley (1); [with THE UNION BOYS on recto.] Wrigley horned imp border. 25 x 15.5 cm., Variant: c. Title: "Wait for the Wagon"; 1st line: "Will you come with me my Phillis, dear, to you blue mountain free"; T.o. border, 24.5 x 15.2 cm.
The battle is o'er, the victory won (11 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border. 25.5 x 16.2 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 768; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.2 x 15.4 cm.
Hark! in the South the thundering drum (5 vs.) [Signed] B.; Baltimore, Oct. 9th, 1861; 2nd song: Southern Sentiments., Variant: a. Double-line border; soldier on horse blowing trumpet. 30.6 x 9.2 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] pink paper. 30.6 x 9.2 cm.