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Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Near Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by G. Lehman; Childs & Inman Lithrs.

The Eastern Penitentiary. [graphic] / Lithy. of J.T. Bowen.

This institution known as "Cherry Hill State Prison" at Philadelphia, is the model prison of "The Pennsylvania System of Prison Discipline" or "Separate System" as it is called to distinguish it from "The Congregate." [graphic] / From a drawing by convict


[Philadelphia. From Girard College]

Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia.

Implements of torture, and their dangerous effects illustrated.

The State Penitentiary for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania [graphic].

The Eastern Penitentiary. Philadelphia.

The Eastern Penitentiary. Philadelphia.

The Eastern Penitentiary. Philadelphia.

The Eastern Penitentiary.

The state penitentiary, for the eastern district of Pennsylvania.

Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Near Philadelphia.

Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Near Philadelphia.

Philadelphia from Girard College - 1850

The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets [graphic] / On Stone by W.H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House steeple. West.

Panorama of Philadelphia from the State House Steeple. West.