Billheads containing ornate lettering and variant vignette views of the several-story building of the firm established in 1851 and incorporated in 1897. Views also show street or pedestrian traffic. Street traffic includes a horse-drawn wagon and carriage. View on circa 1890 print includes an American flag on the roof of the building. Establsihed in 1851 as Gail & Amend, Bernard Amend entered into partnership with Charles Eimer in 1856. Eimer retired in 1883 and the firm was incorporated as eimer & Amend in 1897. The firm specialized in the importation of rare crude drugs., Printers include Photo-Electrotype Eng. Co. N.Y., Printed upper right corner: Book No [ ].; Folio. [ ]., Printed above image: Wo only give credit for empties as charged in invoice, if returned in good and clean condition. All claims for deduction must be made within eight days after receipt of goods., P.2011.46.144 completed in manuscript to F. M. C. Gilroy on October 31, 1887 for "4 3/4 Gall Alcohol" for $10.45. Stamped: Paid Nov. 1, 1887, Thos. F. Gilroy, Receiver and Received Payment New York 1887 Eimer & Amend. Inscribed: Correct JHC., P.2011.46.145 completed in manuscript to N.Y. Engraving Print Co on March 22, 1899 for "Carboy 39 Lg. Ferre chloride" for $14.01. Stamped: Approved [Initials illegible]Received Drug Department and O.K. [W.R.R.S.] Manufacturing., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
[ca. 1880-ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - E [P.2011.46.144 & 145]