Advertisement showing the storefronts tenanting the Philadelphia Bank building completed in 1836 after the designs of William Strickland at Bank Place, i.e., 400-408 Chestnut Street. Businesses include Hancock, Bennett & Wolfe, importers of fancy goods and manufacturers of silver and plated ware (No. 1 Bank Place); Levi Eldridge, carpet & floor cloth warehouse (No. 2); W. F. Slaughter, paper hangings (No. 3); C. Bulkley, hat, cap, & fur store (No. 4); and Robb & Swift, successors to Browne & Robb, tailors (132 Chestnut). A family strolls on the sidewalk and patrons exit and enter the businesses that display merchandise, including rolled carpets, in the shop windows and in front of the stores. Partial views of adjacent buildings, including the Second Bank of the U.S., in addition to a horse pulling a vehicle, are visible. Also contains advertising text for each of the businesses that lists specific merchandises and promotes customer services, printed below the image. Merchandise includes chandeliers and Japannery Brittania & block tin wares; hearth rugs, floor baizes, stair-rods, and carpet bindings; fire-board figures; and muffs, pellerines & boas., Title and date supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 573, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 87 C 525, Described in Public Ledger, April 2, 1838.
Lehman, George, d. 1870, artist
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 87 C 525