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For Assembly, Jno. W. Hamilton, 5th legislative district.

For Register of Wills 1864. : Fifth Ward. Fifth Ward. Frederick M. Adams. Subject to the decision of the National Union Convention.

Fifth Ward peoples' Union ticket. For alderman, H.E. Wallace.

Sheriff, Henry C. Howell

Alderman, Richard Donagan Fifth Ward.

Union, Lincoln and victory! 10th Ward. 10th Ward. National Union ticket! : Congress, second dist., Charles O'Neill. Representative, eighth dist., James N. Kerns. Select Council, Joshua Spering! Common Council, Edwin V. Machette! School directors, Alexande

National Union ticket 20th Ward! : Lincoln, Johnson. Congress, Wm. D. Kelley Assembly, Franklin D. Sterner, 1st and 2d divisions. George De Haven, Jr., 3d and 11th divisions. Francis Hood, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th divisions. Common Council, J

No party but our country 9th Ward! 9th Ward! : State officers. Governor, Andrew G. Curtin Judge of Supreme Court, Hon. Daniel Agnew Assembly, sixth district, Isaac H. O'Harra City officers. City treasurer, Henry Bumm, city commissioner, Philip Hamilton Re

12th Ward National Union ticket! : Congress, Leonard Myers! Senator, Isaac A. Sheppard! Representative, 9th district, Charles Foster. This district takes the 1st, 2d, 5th and 6th precincts, 12th Ward. Select Council, Chas. M. Wagner. Common Council, M. Ha

12th Ward National Union ticket! : Congress, Leonard Myers! Senator, Isaac A. Sheppard! Representative, 11th district, Franklin D. Sterner! This district takes the 3d, 4th and 7th precincts, 12th Ward. Select Council, Chas. M. Wagner. Common Council, M. H

Lecompton funeral. [graphic] / Hy.

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

The election day in Philadelphia