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[Jackson Street and Mifflin Street electric trolleys, with drivers and passengers.]

[Peace Jubilee parade, Post Office, in front of Keneseth Israel Temple, 1717 North Broad Street, Philadelphia.]

Street cars, Philadelphia.

[African American serving boy]

Indian Rock Hotel

Lobby, Hotel Walton, Phila, Pa. Lukes & Zahn, prop[rietor]s.

Chew house, Germantown, 1867. [graphic].

[Employees of the Philadelphia Grain Elevator Company's Twentieth Street elevator]

Life in Philadelphia. "Is Miss Dinah at home?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Is Miss Dinah at home?" [graphic] / C[lay], fecit.

Life in Philadelphia. "Is Miss Dinah at home?" [graphic] / Chas. Hunt, Sc.

[Stevens-Cogdell and Sanders-Venning family portrait collection]