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Lodore cascade, Derwentwater.

[House with shutters, England] [graphic].

[Ship, England] [graphic]

[Stone house, England] [graphic].

[House with shutters, England] [graphic].

[Graveyard, England] [graphic].

A General view of the city of London next the River Thames

A plan & elevation of a new bridge

A Chronological and historical account from the first building a bridge across the River Thames, from London to Southwark, 'till the late conflagration of the temporary bridge, the 11th of April, 1758.

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Man with a bicycle in front of George Inn, England] [graphic].

List of the inhabitants, of the united parishes of St. Bennet-Grace-Church, and St. Leonard-Eastcheap.

[Ships passing each other, England] [graphic].

[Stone house, England] [graphic].

[Fortified tower, probably England] [graphic].

William Wilberforce Esq. M.P.

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]


Peter Moran Sketchbooks

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Three cows, England] [graphic].

[Boys marching, probably London] [graphic].

[Officer on board ship, England] [graphic].

[Wooded area, England] [graphic].

Plan of London as in Q. Elizabeths days.

[C.J. Kino trade cards]

[Street scene, probably London] [graphic].

[Boys band, probably London] [graphic].

The Last speech of the statue at Stocks-Market

William Penn in prison [graphic].

Tams, Sampson

[People on ship's deck, England] [graphic].

[Boys dressed in robes in courtyard, probably London] [graphic].

[Group of boys dressed in robes posed for a portrait, probably London] [graphic].

[Woman and children outside a cottage, probably England] [graphic].

[Boys playing ball, probably London] [graphic].

[Woman and children outside a cottage, probably England] [graphic].

W. Wilberforce, Esqr. M.P.

Omai a native of Ulaietea, brought into England in the year 1774 by Tobias Furneaux esqr. commander of his majesty's sloop Adventure; [graphic] : Humbly inscribed to the Right Honble John Earl of Sandwich, first commissioner for executing the office of th

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

Bethell, Mary U., 1874-1945

Dunn, Charles B.

Latrobe, B. Henry, 1767-1820

Harrold, Alfred, 1806-1844

Bowman, Roger, 1732-1821

Peters, William, 1702-1786

Eversley, William

Dallett, Elijah. J., 1825-1863

Clay, Thomas, 1715-1744
