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Fredericks, Mlle.

Major E. Newell, with Genl. Tom Thumb's Museum. H.R. Jacobs, manager.

[Group portrait of women minstrels in blackface and costumes] [graphic].

Concord shoe store, Frank Marden, Centennial bl'k.

Jim Steward and his celebrated rocky mountain cat.

[Full-length portrait of Imperial Japanese Troupe member Koman Sumidagawa] [graphic] / F. S. Keeler, S. E. cor. Eighth & Market Sts., Philadelphia.

Dutton children.

Dan Bryant.

The best, ask for it again: Star Braid. [graphic].

The best, ask for it again: Star Braid. [graphic].

BRL? minstrels of Philadelphia

Rolling cigarette.

Catalogue of theatrical and public celebrities

Mr. T.D. Rice



Thomas Greene Bethune ("Blind Tom"), 1849-1908 [graphic].

[Croft, Wilbur & Co. trade cards]

Harmoneons Carolina melodies arranged for the piano forte.

Mrs. Lena Mason's Chautauqua meetings, Aug. 1st - Sept. Phila, Pa.

[Millie and Christina, the "North Carolina twins"]

[Millie and Christine McCoy] [graphic] / W.L. Germons, Temple of Art, 914 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Minstrel show. Wentworth Town Hall. March 26th - 8:15. Adults .25. Children .15. Orchestra - dancing. [graphic].

[Stevens-Cogdell and Sanders-Venning and Chew families miscellaneous portraits collection]

Millie Christine

Jim Crow, the American mountebank performing at the Grand Theatre. [graphic] / IH.

Marriage of Tom Thumb.

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

2 headed girl, Millie Crissie [graphic] / J. H. Fitzgibbon, photographer, 116 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, Mo.

[Portrait of Millie and Christine McCoy] [graphic] / Ollivier, [Photo]. New York.

Dancing for eels at Catharine [sic] Market N.Y.

American Celebrities Albums


Portrait Prints and Boxiana Album

American celebrities album