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Bulkley & Noblit, manufacturers of railroad, ship, boat and wharf spikes. Office & mill: Germantown Junction, Philadelphia. Tioga Rolling Mill & Spike Works.

Parr's patent American camp chest. : Patented June 25th, 1861. ...

Old house n.w. cor. of Sixth & Cherry St. [graphic].

Buy the Universal plow. Made at Canton, Ohio. [graphic].

Dey's de irons to make de angels' robes white and smooth in de colored folk's heaven. [graphic].

E.W. Carryl & Co. No. 715 Chestnut Street, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. Silver plated wares and house furnishing goods. : Army and navy goods, and camp utensils of every description, fire arms, swords, etc. United States government depot for furnishing sol

The "Gem" freezer [graphic].

The Redwood portable range, Spicers & Peckham, makers of highest grades only. Providence, R.I. [graphic].

Refrigerators. N.B Stevens, 43 Kilby Street, Boston. [graphic].

The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through

The Universal clothes wringer [graphic].