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Henry Hill, Philadelphia agent, William Penn Hotel, 38th and Market Sts.

Fire Mark of the Fire Association of Philadelphia

Section of the fire plug used in Philadelphia.

Engine Co. #9, Germantown.

Diligent Fire Engine. Instituted July 4, 1791. Incorporated April 1, 1831.

The Weccacoe Engine Co's house and the reception of the United Fire Co of Baltimore. [graphic] / Drawn by J. Queen.

[Hope Fire Company steam engine and fire fighters in front of the company fire station on Sixth Street below Bainbridge Street, Philadelphia]

Franklin Fire Co. of the city of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

[Firehouse scene in Philadelphia showing firemen from the Weccacoe Engine Company pulling a hand-drawn fire engine as other firemen scramble to readiness]

The Philadelphia Firemen's Anniversary Parade March composed for his brass band expressly for the occasion, arranged for the piano forte and respectfully dedicated to the Fire Department by Francis Johnson Philadelphia. [graphic] / Designed & drawn on sto

[Washington Fire Engine Company steam engine in front of the company fire station at Lombard Street below Eleventh Street, Philadelphia]

The darktown fire brigade - saved! [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

Fair Mount Fire Company. Instituted Febr. 22th, 1823. Incorporated April 19th, 1850.

View of the United States Hose house & apparatus, Philadelphia. [graphic] : To the Independent Fire Co. of Baltimore & the Franklin Fire Co. of Washington, this print is respectfully dedicated, (as a slight token of appreciation of their generous hospital

In commemoration of the great parade of the Philadelphia Fire Department October 16th 1865 [graphic] : Dedicated to the Philadelphia firemen and their visiting brethren / on stone by Jas. Queen; designd. by Schell; P.S. Duval & Son lith. Philada.

[Specimen sheet of volunteer fire fighting vignettes]

Near a fire. Say! Just hold this while I fetch another section, will you. (Likely?)

[Cohocksink Hose Company steam engine and fire fighters in front of the company fire station on Germantown Avenue above Fifth Street, Philadelphia]

[Goodwill Fire Company's horse-drawn ambulance in front of the company fire station on Race Street below Broad Street, Philadelphia]

[Hope Fire Company horse-drawn ambulance in front of the company fire station on Sixth Street below Bainbridge Street, Philadelphia]

[William Penn Hose Company steam engine and fire fighters in front of the company fire station on Frankford Road near Franklin Avenue, Philadelphia]

Near a fire. Say! Just hold this while I fetch another section, will you. (Likely?)

Near a fire. An awkward attachment.

Weccacoe Fire Compy. Instituted 1800, incorporated 1833.

Eine wahre Geschichte, oder eine probirte Kunst in Feuers-Gefahr wie auch in Pestilenz-Zeiten zu gebrauchen.

Eine wahre Geschichte, oder eine probirte Kunst in Feuers-Gefahr wie auch in Pestilenz-Zeiten zu gebrauchen. : Ist von einem christlichen Singmeister, König aus Egypten, erfunden worden. Es wurden im Jahre 1714, den 10 Tag Juni, im Königreich Preuszen 6 Z

Hibernia Fire Engine company, No. 1, of Philadelphia.

America Fire Engine Co. of the city of Philadelphia.

Plan of London as in Q. Elizabeths days.

The Weccacoe Engine Co.'s house and the reception of the United Fire Co. of Baltimore.

[Hand-in-Hand Fire Company fire fighters and steam engine in front of the company fire station at Ninth Street above Poplar Street, Philadelphia]

Good Will Fire Company of Philadelphia.

Mechanic Fire Engine Company.

Columbia Hose Co. of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

The United States Polka,

Fairmount Fire Engine Co. No. 32, of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

Good Will Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

Washington Fire Company of Frankford

Certificate of Honorary Membership of the Weccacoe Fire Company. Philadelphia.

Reliance Steam Fire Engine Company of Philadelphia.

Northern Liberty Fire Company. No. 1. Instituted May 1st 1756. Incorporated March 18th 1833.

Hand in Hand Fire Company, first grand citizens dress ball [graphic] : To be given Friday March 26th 1847, at the upper saloon of the Museum Building in honor of the celebration of the anniversary of the Fire Association

F[ire] and P[olice] Dept. Record. [certificate] [graphic].

[Goodwill Hose Company steam engine in front of the company fire station at Wood Street near Twenty-Third Street, Philadelphia]

[Philadelphia Hose Company steam engine in front of the company fire station at Seventh above Market Street, Philadelphia]

United States Fire Co. of Philadelphia, Instituted 1811

Philadelphia Fire Department Relief Association. [membership certificate]

At a fire. What boys may expect when they get in firemen's way.

Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company [certificate]

Good Intent Hose, Hook & Ladder Company of Philadelphia.
