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[William P. Cresson's foundry, Willow above Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Executed on stone by Wm. H. Rease, No. 17, S. 5th. St.

[Savery & Co. Phila. iron hollow ware foundry, South Front St. below Navy Yard, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W. H. Rease 17 So. 5th St. Phila.

Warnick & Leibrandt's Philadelphia stove works and hollow-ware foundry. First wharf above Noble St. Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by W. H. Rease 17 So. 5th St.

I.P. Morris & Co. Works, Port Richmond, Philada.

Morris Iron Works, cor. Schuylkill 7th & Market sts. Philadelphia. Established in 1828.

Cardington Foundry

[Savery & Co. Phila. iron hollow ware foundry]

T. I. Dyre, Jr. bell & brass founder, corner of Washington & Church Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, 17, So. 5th. St.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease 4th & Chesnut St.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney, Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders. [graphic] / On stone by W. H. Rease, No. 17, So. 5th. St. (FHS on stone).

[I.P. Morris & Co. Works, Port Richmond, Philadelphia, after boiler explosion of October 19, 1861]

Results of boiler explosion at I.P. Morris & Co. Works, Port Richmond, Philada Oct. 19 / 61.

[Results of boiler explosion at I.P. Morris & Co. Works, Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Oct. 19 / 61]

[William P. Cresson's foundry, Willow above Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia]

Pascal Iron Works, Morris Tasker & Morris

Franklin Iron Works, Franklin Str. between Second and Front sts. Kensington Philadelphia.

Hood & Noblitt. No. 121 Nth. 10th St above Race, Philadelphia

Specimens for Theo. Leonhardt & Son, Philadelphia.

Wood & Perot factory [graphic]

Merrick & Hijo, Succesores De Merrick & Towne, Filadelfia. = Merrick & Son, successors to Merrick & Towne, Philadelphia. = Merrick & Fils, Successeur De Merrick & Towne, Philadelphie.

Franklin Iron Works. Sutton & Smith's iron foundry, Franklin Street between Second and Front Streets, Philadelphia

T. I. Dyre, Jr. bell & brass founder, corner of Washington & Church Streets, Philadelphia.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders.

Penn Steam Engine & Boiler Works. Foot of Palmer Street, Kensington, Philadelphia. Reaney, Neafie & Co. engineers, machinists, boiler makers, black smiths & founders.

Neall Y Matthews, maquinistas y fundidores, de hierro en Bush Hill, esquina de las galles de Fairview y la septima de Schuylkill, Filadelfia = Neall & Matthews, iron founders and machinists, Bush Hill Iron Works, (formerly occupied by Rush & Muhlenberg,)

West Philadelphia Sadiron Works, M.L. Keen & Brother, Proprietors.

Iron Manufacture : boilers, steam engines, hydraulic pumps.

Wood & Perot. Wood, Miltenberger & Co. Ornamental iron works. 1136 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. 57 Camp Street, New Orleans.

Warnick & Leibrandt's Philadelphia stove works and hollow-ware foundry. First wharf above Noble St. Philadelphia.

Wood & Perot's ornamental iron works. Philadelphia.

[Third Street, east side, north of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]