Ye sons of Freedom, wake to glory; 3rd line: Your children, wives, and grand- sires hoary (4 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Print. Andrews; with Astley's imprint pasted over Andrews'. T. o. border. 23.5 x 15 cm., Variant: b. [Without "The" in title;] publ. Auner (2). A-J border; eagle with flag. 25 x 15 cm., Variant: c. [Publ.] De Marsan (1). De Marsan ship border, col. 24.6 x 16 cm., Variant: d. [Without comma in first line;] sheet no. 242; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24.5 x 14 cm.
La victoire en chantant nous ouvre le barriere (1 vs.) Hymne de Guerre [Juillet 1794] par Marie-Joseph de Chenier; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan comic heads border. 25.1 x 16.4 cm.
Hope whispers me, when summer comes (3 vs.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan musical instruments border, col. 25.1 x 16.4 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 635; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border, col. 24.9 x 15.6 cm., Variant: c. [As above; with COURAGE, MOTHER, I AM GOING on recto.] 24 x 15.6 cm.
Par la voix du canon d'alarme (2 vs. and chor. with the English version next to it.) Words by Alex. Dumas; Revolutionary Song of '48, as sung, at Paris, during the struggle, February 22, 23, and 24; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border. 25 x 17.3 cm
-Allons, enfants de la patrie (7 vs. and chor.) Par Rouget De L'Isle., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan comic heads border. 25.5 x 16.5 cm., Variant: b. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 22 x 14.5 cm.
Knell, sister dear!. . . eve's shadows gather (2 vs., with French original in 2 vs.) Nocturne for two voices; English words by Jos. R. Fry; music by Ad. Boieldieu; publ. De Marsan (1). T. o. border. 23.3 x 15.6 cm.
Debout, Fils de I'Union (3 vs. and chor.) Air: Gloire aux martyrs victorieux! Hymne patriotique par Gustave Dime, ouvrier- estampeur; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border, col. 23.6 x 15.8 cm.
On a lone barren isle, where the wild roaring billow (3 vs.), Variant: a. Print. Andrews; with Astley's imprint added. T. o. border. 23.6 x 16 cm., Variant: b. Publ. Scroggy (2). T. o. border. 18 x 11.9 cm.
Farewell to the land, where the gloom of my glory (3 vs.) Air: Captain O'Kean. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border, with war scenes in lower corners. 24.7 x 16.7 cm., Variant: a. Bonaparte on St. Helena., Bony he is gone from the wars of all fighting, (6 vs.) Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan horned imp border, 26 x 16.5 cm.
Void le sabre de mon pere (4 vs. and chors., with English translation) From the Opera-Bouffe of J. Offenbach: La Grande Duchesse; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan horned imp border. 25 x 16 cm.
"Ye sons of Freedom wake to glory; 3rd line: The rebels with your blood are gory (4 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. John W. Du Bree; adv: an Illuminated edition of Volunteer Cards, etc. Double-line border with fleuron corners. 24 x 15 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 679; publ. Partridge (2). T. o. border. 20.5 x 12.5 cm.
Ah! que j'aime les militaires (2 vs. with English translation) From the Opera-Bouffe of J. Offenbach La Grande Duchesse; music at all music stores in New York City; publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 25 x 16.2 cm.
'Neath a vine-covered porch sat an Old Mousequetaire (3 vs.) Music and words by Henry Fase., Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (4). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 24.7 x 15.5 cm., Variant: b. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan lyre border, col. 24.8 x 16.5 cm.
Quelle horreur et quelle infamie (4 vs. and chor.)Air: L'Ignorance a brise ses armes. Par Gustave Dime; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border, with war scenes in lower corners. 26 x 16.8 cm.
Louey Nap is trying (3 vs. and chor.) As sung by S. S. Purdy., Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan trapper border. 25.5 x 16.2 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 1323; with comma after "Nap" in first line; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley military cupid border. 24.5 x 15 cm.