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[Womrath & Neville, manufactory of fringes, tassels, cords & c. & Geo. F. Womrath, fur store, 15 & 13 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone W. H. Rease, 17, So. 15th St.

International Exhibition. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. 1876.

Isaac Casseres, manufacturer of suits and cloaks, and dealer in furs, N.W. cor. Eighth & Race Sts., Phila.

Charles Oakford's 1848 & 49 fashions for hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail establishment, no. 104 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford's 1848 & 49 fashions for hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail establishment, no. 104 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

[Wm. H. Oakford trade cards]

O.N. Thacher, wholesale & retail hat, cap, & fur ware-house Nth Third St. No. 40 opposite the City Hotel Philadelphia.

[Arch Street, 600 block, Philadelphia]

[Arch Street looking east from below Seventh Street, Philadelphia]

[Womrath & Neville, manufactory of fringes, tassels, cords & c. & Geo. F. Womrath, fur store, 15 & 13 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia]