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- Title
- Allen's Furniture Warehouse, Philadelphia
- Description
- Advertisement depicting the multi-story storefront for cabinetmakers Allen & Bro. (Joseph and James C.) erected in 1860 at 1209 Chestnut Street. Also shows pedestrians looking at furniture visible in the large display windows. The building contained salesrooms on the lower floors and upholstery and finishing rooms on the upper ones. Allen & Bro. was originally established by William Allen in 1836. The business specialized in custom orders and exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876., Probably engraved by John Serz., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Madelyn Wolke, Lucianne Reichert, and Clifford A. Mohwinkel Jr., Variant wood engraving published in I. L. Vansant, ed., The royal road to wealth (Philadelphia: Samuel Loag, (1869?)], opp. p. 43.
- Date
- [ca. 1870]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Serz [P.9773.76c]
- Title
- Geo. J. Henkels' city cabinet warerooms, 173 Chestnut St. opposite the State House, Philadelphia
- Description
- Packing label depicting a variety of furniture sold by Henkels including a table, vanity, desk, sofa, and chairs. Henkels was located at 173 Chestnut from 1850 to 1857., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 39, Pheonixblock, located at the southwest corner of Second and Dock Streets, housed the lithographic firm of H. Camp for whom Kollner worked as principal artist.
- Creator
- Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813, artist
- Date
- [ca. 1850]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements [7806.F], Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department BW - Advertisements [(2)1525.F.26b]
- Title
- Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Lithographed by W. H. Rease, No. 97 Chestnut St.
- Description
- Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Select link below to view a digital image.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H. lithographer., creator
- Date
- [1855]
- Location
- http://www.lcpgraphics.org/wainwright/W299.htm, Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. **W299 [P.2089]
- Title
- M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa
- Description
- Illustrated trade card depicting brass rods, fire pokers, a cross, a rail, and other brass hardware. A drape containing the company's name hangs from a brass rod., Advertising text printed on verso: Established 1832. M. Gould's Sons & Co. Manufacturers of stair rods and upholsterers' hardware. Artistic and ecclesiastical brasswork a specialty. Brass curtain poles of all descriptions. No. 8 North Sixth St., Philadelphia. Manufactory, Newark, N.J., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1880]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Gould [1975.F.387]
- Title
- [Hale, Kilburn & Co. trade cards]
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards, one bookmark and one small pamphlet, for Hale, Kilburn & Co.'s furniture manufacturing establishment at 48 & 50 North Sixth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict vignettes of furniture, including rocking chairs, mirrors, and folding beds; a bird's eye view of the company's factory complex at North Sixth and Filbert Streets; and a business card for the company tucked into a long-stemmed rose. Hale, Kilburn & Co. began manufacturing household furniture in 1873. The factory at 48 & 50 North Sixth Street was built in 1867., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [P.9803.2] printed by Samuel Loag., Advertising text promoting furniture manufactured by Hale, Kilburn & Co. printed on versos, including upholstery, parlor suits, chamber suits, chairs, tables, wardrobes, sideboards, champion folding bed and cribs, mirrors, and picture frames., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1875-1885]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Hale [1975.F.409a & P.9803.2]
- Title
- John T. Hammitt, No. 111 South 3d. Street above Spruce, Philadelphia Bank, office and counting house furniture, manufactured to order and constantly on hand. Personal attention paid to, and plans furnished for banking rooms, offices, and legislative halls. Begs leave to call special attention to his patent elevating & graduating table, which can be used in a standing, sitting or intermediate position as a flat or desktop; it permits that desirable change to those who have to perform protracted labours
- Description
- Advertisement containing vignettes depicting four types of desks manufactured by the firm and an image of passengers seated or napping in Hammitt's patented railway car seats. Image captioned "Patentee of the Improved Night & Day Car Seats now in use on several important Rail Roads, by their use fatigue is avoided and needful rest is secured while traveling by day or night." Includes a list of 38 local banks, insurance companies and other firms as references. References include David S. Brown & Co.; Pennsylvania Insurance Co.; Morris, Tasker, & Morris; Masonic Hall; J.M. Gries; and S.D. Button., Printed above title: Six Silver Medals Awarded for Articles of Useful Invention, Published in Colton's atlas of America, illustrating the physical and political geography of North and South America...Commercial edition with business cards of the prominent houses in Philadelphia. (New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1856), page 37. (HSP O 458), Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 126, Reaccessioned as P.8729.18., Duplicate in broadside collection: #Am 1854 Hammitt (9596.F)., Free Library of Philadelphia: Kollner Collection - Lithographs - Tradesmen's Cards
- Creator
- Kollner, Augustus, b. 1813
- Date
- [1856]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *BW - Advertisements [7844.F]
- Title
- Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia
- Description
- Series of illustrated trade cards depicting two exhibition buildings constructed for the Centennial Exhibition in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, including Agricultural Hall built after designs by James H. Windrim and Horticultural Hall built after designs by Henry Schwarzmann. Both scenes include horse-drawn carriages and pedestrian foot traffic in the foreground and are surrounded by decorative filigree. The fair celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
- Date
- [ca. 1876]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Miller [P.9573.10 & 11]
- Title
- Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia White & yellow pine, hemlock, birch, maple, beach, cherry, and other hard woods, seasoned and ready for sale. Mahogany and walnut boards and planks of all sizes. Mahogany, walnut, birch & maple veneers, for sale. All kinds of plain & fancy sawing, and turning done with neatness and despatch an assortment of bed posts and stand legs, balister, newells and caps, for stair builders, mahogany and walnut mouldings. Mahogany, walnut, cherry and maple table & stand legs
- Description
- Advertisement showing the four-story brick building and the adjoining lumber yard on Girard Avenue above Seventh Street tenanted by Price & Harper. Signboards on the front facade read, "fancy-chair factory, steam sawmill, turning & scroll sawing, and iron foundry." Large piles of lumber are visible in the yard that extends west to Eighth Street from the factory building. A man directs a horse out of the lumber yard gate. Horse-drawn carts, some pulling lumber, travel on the street in front of the building. A carriage and a man and woman travel south on Eighth Street, and a bale of hay rests on the sidewalk near a lamppost and a stalled carriage in the foreground. Price & Harper operated together between 1853 and 1855., Date supplied by Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 626, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [1855]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **W299 [P.2089]
- Title
- [George Mecke cabinet maker and upholsterer, No 355, North 2nd St. nearly opposite Tammany St. Philadelphia.]
- Description
- Advertisement showing the four-story storefront, with decorative masonry, for "George Mecke's Northern Cabinet Ware-Rooms and Furniture Ware Rooms" on Second Street between Noble and Green streets (i.e., 500 block). At the ground floor, a couple enters one of the two entranceways of the building. Furniture, including a side table, chaise lounge, armoire, and rocker are visible at the entrances, display window, and within the store. A woman, in a shawl, and holding a parasol approaches the chairs displayed at the second entrance. She stands across from two clerks retrieving a chair from the cellar to be loaded onto a "G. Mecke No. 355" horse-drawn cart parked in the street. The cart already contains a chest of drawers. Additional cabinetry, including chairs and a bed frame, and a worker are seen in the upper floor windows. Also shows partial views of the adjacent businesses of "Dubois & Son's Confectionary" (357) and P. Fries, watchmaker (353 - identified by a depiction of a watch on a visible edge of signage). Plates of treats are visible in the window of Mrs. Dubois & Son' s confectionery. Mecke relocated to 355 North Second Street and was a neighbor to Dubois and Fries circa 1846., Title, artist, and publication information from duplicate in the collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania., Date from Poulson inscription on recto: North Second Street. Oct. 1846., Wainwright suggests date of circa 1847., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 298, LCP copy lacking title and imprint., Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bb 38 M487.
- Creator
- Rease, W. H., artist
- Date
- [October 1846]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W150 [P.2060]
- Title
- South side of Walnut Street west of Third Street
- Description
- Pre-consolidation view of several properties and pedestrian activity on Walnut Street near Third Street. Includes J.H. Earle's tailor shop and Charles Toppan's bank note engraving business (60 Walnut Street, east of Third Street); Watson's Lithography at the southeast corner (62 Walnut Street), with Samuel W. Thackara, conveyancer, facing Third Street; J. Hancock & Co., upholsterers, at the southwest corner of Third and Walnut; and the first building of the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society. Pedestrian traffic including men, women and children strolling down the street in groups, a horse-drawn carriage traveling north on Third Street, and a man pushing a handcart west on Walnut Street., J.F. Watson operated his lithography business from 62 Walnut Street between 1835 and 1843., Title supplied by cataloger., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 83
- Date
- ca. 1837
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department ***Drawings & Watercolors - unidentified - W [357M]