View looking south from below Race Street to City Hall on Penn Square. East side of street shows a partial view of the Masonic Temple (completed 1873 after the designs of James Hamilton Windrim), Odd Fellows Hall (built 1893), and the store of Thomas B. Wanamaker's (son of John Wanamaker). West side of the street shows the First Baptist Church (built 1856 after the designs of Stephen Button), the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (completed 1876 after the designs of Furness & Hewitt), and the manufactory "Heywood Bros & Co. Wholesale Chair & Ratan Furniture Warerooms." Shows City Hall (completed 1901) with an incomplete tower (constructed 1884-1896) in the background. Horse-drawn carriages travel and park on the sides of the street. Pedestrians walk the sidewalks., Photographer's imprint printed on mount., Copyrighted by Alfred S. Campbell, Elizabeth, N.J., U.S.A., Buff mount with rounded corners., Title inscribed in negative., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., Digitization funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
Campbell, Alfred S.
[ca. 1893]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - Campbell - Streets - Broad [P.9047.130]