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Germantown Town Hall postcards.

Germantown schottisch

Riverside Mansion, Ridge Road, Phil.

Riverside Mansion, formerly Milverton.

Louis Thoenebe & Co.'s lager beer saloon, 337 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. [graphic] : Lunch from 10 to 12 o'clock. Choice brands of wines and liquors constantly kept on hand.

View of city from roof of building [715-719 Arch St.], Looking W., [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Independence Hall. [graphic].

Independence Hall. [graphic].

Philadelphia City Hall postcards.

Grand opening this Saturday night, January 17th, 1863. A great bill! : Programme for this evening. ... Great act of posturing! ... The new servant ... Act of heavy ballancing: ... Grand ballet divertissement, La cosmopolitana! ... Grand aerial evolutions

The Melodeon is a success. That's a fixed fact. Like a skillful fisher we angle with the right bait, and snccess [sic] is sure to follow. : This Monday night, Jan. 19th, 1863, first appearance of W. Herman Programme for this evening. ... Great act of post

Open every night with a first-class company. : Admission only 10 cents to all parts of the theatre.

F. & L. Ladner's Northern Military Hall, nos. 528, 530 & 532 North Third Street, Philadelphia.

Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts. : Robert Gardiner, proprietor. Great combination company The most versatile company in the Union! The greatest amount of real fun! No humbug!! No puffing!!! Every member of this company an artist!

Canterbury Music Hall! Saville Buildings, cor. of Sixth and Market Sts. : Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! Opening night, Friday, Feb'y 6th, 1863.

Canterbury Music Hall! Saville Buildings, cor. of Sixth and Market Sts. : Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand and monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! Open every night! Alpha-beat-'em. At

Canterbury Music Hall! North-West corner of Fifth and Chestnut Streets. : Admission, 10 and 15 cents Grand and monster company Greatest place of amusement in the city. A monster programme by the Canterbury star troupe! In the production of which they will

Union Varieties! (Union Hall.) Opening night, Monday, September 14th 1863. : The above hall will open for the season with a full and efficient company Each member of the company is a first class performer. Others will be added, of which due notice will be

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Philadelphia City Hall, detail of marble in the Common Council Chamber] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, Select City Council Chamber] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, stairway] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, view from below of stairwell] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, detail of walnut panel in Finance Committee Room] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, Common Council Chamber] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, Common Council Chamber] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, Common Council Chamber] [graphic].

[Philadelphia City Hall, Select City Council Chamber] [graphic].

Philadelphia City Hall postcards.

Independence Hall postcards.

Clover Banquet Room, Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia.

Clock tower of Independence Hall, Philada.

[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

Independence Hall postcards.

Hotel Walton postcards.

W. Spencer Rowland's Union lager beer saloon, No. 724 Filbert Street, Philadelphia.

Melodeon 421 Callowhill Street. : W. Butler, sole proprietor Mons. La Thorne, stage manager Will open for the season, on Wednesday evening, April 30, 1862. With the largest and most versatile company ever combined within the walls of any theatre in the wo

Pupil's polka composed and dedicated to the pupils of Hlasko's Dancing Academy by A. Tatzel, senr.

City Hall and Penn Square, Broad and Market Streets, Philadelphia.

[Detail from circular of views of the interior of a concert hall and saloon, probably F. & L. Ladner's Military Hall, 528-532 North Third St. Philadelphia]

Canterbury Music Hall, N.W. cor. of Fifth & Chestnut Sts. : Robert Gardiner, proprietor. Great combination of talent. Great applause! Full houses! No humbug! No puffery! The people's favorite resort! The best company in the city! The two great and popular

Broad St. New public buildings.

Architectural model of City Hall, Philadelphia.

Town Hall from Rittenhouse St., [Germantown] [graphic].

State House, (rear.)

Laying corner stone of public building, July 4, 1874, Philadelphia, Penn'a.

Academy of Music - or operahouse - S.W. cor. Broad & Locust St. [graphic] / James E. McClees.
