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Greer's Hall, New Brunswick Positively 2 nights only : Wednesday and Thursday, June 3d and 4th, 1863. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swi

Willard's Hall! Positively for one week only : First appearance in Washington for 5 years, commencing on Monday, May 4th, 1863 to continue every night during the week. 3 grand day entertainments will be given on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, commencing

Institute Hall. Positively 1 night only : Monday evening, June 1st, 1863. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swiss bell ringers of 12 member

Lyceum Hall, Jersey City For four nights only : Friday, Saturday, Monday & Tuesday, June 5th, 6th, 8th & 9th A grand matinee on Saturday, commencing at 3 for the accommodation of children. Children admitted to the matinee for 10 cents No half-price in the

Farrington Hall, Yonkers Positively one night only : Wednesday evening, June 10th, '63. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swiss bell ringer

Simpson's Hall, Peekskill Positively one night only : Thursday evening, June 11th, '63. Cards of admission, twenty-five cts. No half-price. Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. The world-celebrated Peak Family Swiss bell ringer

Masonic Hall! Manayunk For 2 nights only Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 25th and 26th, 1863. : The original and only Blaisdell Brothers, and their troupe of Swiss bell ringers! In national Swiss costume Playing 239 bells ... The troupe will be aided and ass