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Newmarket hardware, cutlery and nail store, 244 South Second Street, Philadelphia

Bowlby & Weaver's hardware store No.77 Market Street Philadelphia. [graphic].

F. Leaming & Co. hardware, nail, steel, hollow-ware & looking glass store. No. 215 Market Street. [graphic].

[Newmarket hardware, cutlery and nail store, 244 South Second Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / James Queen del.

[Conrad & Roberts hardware & cutlery, 123 N. Third Street, Philadelphia] [graphic] / Drawn on stone W. H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St. Phila.

[Oestmann's Hardware Store, Germantown Ave. and Coulter Street.]

Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.

Henry Tolman, dealier in railway, machinists', engineers' and general supplies, also machinery and tools, No. [228] Arch Street, Philadelphia.

[F. Leaming & Co. hardware, nail, steel, hollow-ware & looking glass store. No. 215 Market Street]

F.G. Ford's patent support for bed slats (patented April 7th, 1885.) Manufactured and sold by Thos. Devlin & Co., American Street and Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

James M. Vance & Co., importers & jobbers of hardware, cutlery & tools, builders' and housekeepers' hardware, 324 and 326 Market, Philadelphia.

Bought of Geo. D. Sprecher, importer and dealer in foreign and domestic hardware, saddlery, cutlery, paints, oils, varnishes, glass &c. A general assortment of bar, hoop, & sheet iron, steel, lead pipe, safety fuse, rock powder, cedar ware, cabinet moldin

[Main Street, 4300 block with patriotic bunting, Manayunk] [graphic].

Samuel H. Bibighaus, importer and dealer in hardware, cutlery, steel, &c., No. 216 North Third Street, six doors above Race, Philadelphia.

No. [blank] Philadelphia County, ss. [blank] has paid to me for the use of the commonwealth, twenty dollars

Bowlby & Weaver's hardware store No.77 Market Street Philadelphia.

Extra news! Philadelphia in no danger of invasion from the rebels! : The largest battery in the city! Recruits wanted, from 2 to 60 years of age, at J.B. Shannon's rendezvous, 1009 Market Street, married or unmarried, to purchase field pieces, in large or

Centennial circular. Norwalk Lock Company. South Norwalk, Conn.

John Orr's Cohocksink's leading hardware store, 2033 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia.

The Enterprise Mfg Co. of Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. U.S.A. Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mills.

Henry Disston & Sons, incorporated. Keystone, saw, tool, steel, & file works, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Frank Diflo, locksmith, bell hanger and gunsmith, 1350 Bainbridge Street, Philadelphia.

[Keys to the main entrance, Pennsylvania State Capitol building, Harrisburg, Pa.] [graphic].

F.X. Brenner, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, heaters, ranges and builders' hardware, tin and housefurnishing goods, No. 1621 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia.

Works of P. & F. Corbin. New Britain Conn. U.S.A.

M. Gould's Sons & Co. No. 8 N. Sixth St. Phila. Pa.

[Row of buildings with funeral decorations for President Lincoln, Philadelphia, April 1865]

[Row of buildings with funeral decorations for President Lincoln, Philadelphia, April 1865] [graphic].

[Conrad & Roberts hardware & cutlery, 123 N. Third Street, Philadelphia]

Philadelphia, from Lapierre House.

Philadelphia, from Lapierre House. [graphic] / Langenheim.

Philadelphia, from Lapierre House.

The battle now is over, Bunker Hill no more. Will call the soldier from the maid he does adore, while to his side he would his gentle Nelly press, she tells him of the Enterprise fruit & jelly press.

G. & H. Barnett, Black Diamond File Works, 39, 41 & 43 Richmond Street, Philadelphia.

Stephen P. Morris & Co. Manufacturers of wrought iron welded tubes for gas and other purposes Philadelphia.

Said Peter Stuyvesant, "Welcome, friends, you would find our living rougher had we knickerbockers not learned to use the Enterprise sausage stuffer."

Said Jackson at New Orleans, "Boys we'll each one turn explorer, and make a raid on the enemy's stores with the Enterprise Bung Borer."

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

Horace Greely, to his farmer friends, one day, said "How needlessly man often labors, use the Enterprise Sprinkler, that is the proper way, and give up the watering pot, neighbors."

Enterprise Congress-World's Fair.

"I found when a grocer's boy," Honest Abe said "Prosperity's line, if you'd cross it, give always good measure, save labor and use the self measuring, Enterprise faucet."

In 1773 in Boston town was spilled the tea. These are not Indians that you see, but patriots fighting tyranny; they spilled the tea, then drank their fill of coffee ground in Enterprise mill.

"Tippecanoe and Tyler too," was the cry they raised in forty two, when barrels were set up all over the land by the Enterprise Barrel Jack, Truck and Stand.

Black Diamond File Works illustrated price list.

[Penn Hardware Company foundry and environs, Reading, Pennsylvania.]

Stereoscopic view of a portion of Market Street, Philadelphia, looking west, embracing the cupola of the Market House

Stereoscopic view of a portion of Market Street, Philadelphia, looking west, embracing the cupola of the Market House [graphic].

Market Street, [above Fourth Street], Philadelphia

[Stereosco]pic view of a portion of Market Street, Philadelphia, looking west, embracing the cupola of the Market House
