Die-cut scrap depicting a racist caricature of an African American woman playing the harp. Shows the woman attired in a white headband with her hair tied atop her head, a yellow dress with a white collar and decorated with blue ribbons, red earrings, green gloves, and blue dress shoes. She is seated and smiles as her fingers pluck the strings of the harp., Title supplied by cataloger., Date deduced from the visual content., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Goldman Trade Card Collection - Scraps - Scrap 28 [P.2017.95.280]
View of Operti's Tropical Garden at Fairmount Park. Depicts a central fountain with mythological statues surrounded by lush plant life. Hanging above the fountain is a three-tiered chandelier. The background also shows a stage or platform with arranged seating and a harp.
Series of illustrated trade cards for John Wanamaker's Grand Depot at Thirteenth and Market Streets in Philadelphia, opened in 1876 to cater to Centennial Exhibition crowds. Illustrations depict a butterfly; two children walking outside with their parents; a harp with the figure of a mermaid forming the column; a round pediment inscribed "Constitution" resting on three caryatids; yellow flag with two horizontal red stripes; exterior views of the Grand Depot with pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the foreground; a girl feeding birds; a girl eating a piece of fruit; head portraits of girls wearing bonnets; cranes standing in water; sprays of flowers; children and a dog gathered around a piano, one of them playing a flute; a Japanese man tripping two boys with spools of "Stafford braid"; and two men dueling with swords., Title supplied by cataloger., Two prints [1975.F.945 & 947] part of Wemple & Kronheim's Series No. 43., Two prints [1975.F.908 & 999] copyrighted 1877 by L. Prang & Co., Two prints [1975.F.945 & 947] copyrighted 1879 by Wemple & Kronheim, N.Y., Two prints [1975.F.985 & 986] copyrighted 1878 by L. Prang & Co., Boston., Printers and engravers include L. Prang & Co. (Boston), Wemple & Kronheim (New York), Donaldson Brothers (New York), S.C. Duval (Philadelphia), Mayer, Merkel & Ottmann (New York), and Marcus Ward & Co. (Belfast)., Eight prints contain advertising text printed on versos., Two prints contain calendars printed on verso, one [1975.F.922] for 1881 and the other [P.9577.12] for 1900., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1877-1900]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - John Wanamaker [1975.F.316; 1975.F.908; 1975.F.918; 1975.F.920-922; 1975.F.943; 1975.F.945; 1975.F.947; 1975.F.954; 1975.F.956; 1975.F.985 & 986; 1975.F.989; 1975.F.999; 1975.F.1005; 1975.F.1008; P.9577.12]