Aerial view of Lower Merion Senior High School and Ardmore Junior High School, located at 245 East Montgomery Avenue in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. The high school moved to this location in 1911, and the junior high school building was added in 1922. Includes surrounding property and nearby residences. The high school was demolished and replaced by an updated building in 1963 and the junior high school was demolished in 1992., Negative number: 5191.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1925
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.5191]
Aerial view of Woodstown High School, located in Woodstown, Salem County, New Jersey. Shows a u-shaped driveway dotted with trees, an athletic field, and adjacent farmland., Negative number: 2518.
Aero Service Corporation, photographer
ca. 1922
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Aero Service [P.8990.2518]
Diploma from Central High School of Philadelphia completed to William Stephens for Master of Arts, Feb. 10, 1853 and depicting three vignettes at the top. In the left, shows an allegorical scene with a white woman, attired in a laurel crown, sketching on a pad; an older, white man seated and holding calipers; and three young, white boys looking through a telescope, moving a globe, and sketching or writing on a pad. In the center, shows an exterior view of Central High School at Juniper Street. In the foreground, a white man sits beneath a tree and sketches a statue of Liberty holding a cap and pole. A paint palette and brushes are beside him. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk in front of the school. In the right, depicts the coat of arms of Pennsylvania with two horses flanking a crest and an eagle at the top. Central High School was founded in 1836. In 1838, the school building opened at Juniper below Market Street., Title and date from item., Text written on recto: Upon [William Stephens] a graduate of the class of [July 1845] of the Central High School of Philadelphia in consideration of his maintaining an unblemished reputation and of his continued devotion to liberal pursuits since the time of his graduation. In testimony whereof this Diploma has been granted duly by the corporate seal of the Controllers and by the signatures of the President and other officers of the Board and of the Principal and Professors of the School Date Philadelphia [Feb 10th] 18[53]., Signed and witnessed by several individuals, including: D.S Beideman, President; N. Nathans, T.G. Hollingsworth, Harlan Ingram, T.K. Collins, Committee of Controllers; R.J. Hemphill, Secretary; John S. Hart, LLD, Principal; and thirteen professors., Accompanied by a ribbon embossed with the seal of the Controllers of the Public Schools of the First School District [of Philadelphia]., Gift of David Doret.
[ca. 1850]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department **Doret and Mitchell Collection – Prints [P.2022.62.3.47]