Trade card by J. Hoover with an illustration on the recto showing a boy standing behind a girl and covering her eyes with his hands, as if he is trying to surprise her, as she sits on a stool with a doll in her lap. A rose bush and trees fill the scene behind the children. Advertising text on verso reads, "Bargains! Bargains! at Hoover's, Hoover's, 628 Arch Street. A beautifully and carefully selected stock of fine engravings, comprising all the principal and popular subjects in the market. Fine imported chromos suitable for parlor, sitting or dining room. Large assortment of easels in ebony, nickel, silver-plated, and twisted wire from 9 cents up. Photograph frames, our principal business is in photograph frames, of which we certainly have the largest stock in the city, consisting of velvet (over 100 different styles,) passepartouts, ebony and satin, plain ebony, gold, lacquer, and a number of ine easel frames, all of which can be had either in card or cabinet sizes. Framing of pictures of any description is one of our specialties. We manufacture our frames in the building, and guarantee our work to ne first-class in every particular. Our prices are less than elsewhere. Having the facilities of buying at the lowest prices we can furnish frames of any kind at prices that will compare with any house in the city. Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not. J. Hoover 628 Arch Street. Societies, social clubs and other organizations desiring to furnish their rooms are invited to call and examine our fine assortment.", Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 80, Joseph Hoover, a Swiss-German chromolithographer, operated his chromolithography, engraving, and picture frame business from 628 Arch Street in Philadelphia between 1880 and 1882.
[ca. 1880]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *trade cards - Hoover [1975.F.453]
Series of illustrated trade cards for Joseph Hoover's pictures and frames business at 628 Arch Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a business card for Hoover tucked into a pink roses and a boy crying and watching another boy pull on the legs of a dog that is attacking another animal. Joseph Hoover, a Swiss-German chromolithographer, operated his chromolithography, engraving, and picture frame business from 628 Arch Street in Philadelphia between 1880 and ca. 1888., Title supplied by cataloger., One print [P.9651.13] copyrighted 1888 by J. Hoover., Advertising text printed on versos promotes Joseph Hoover's products as holiday presents, including paintings, engravings, plain and colored photographs, velvet, ebony and gold photograph frames, and oleographs. Also promotes a moving sale (c1888) with reduced prices on these items., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1888]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Hoover [1975.F.412 & P.9651.13]