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"Come, birdie, come, oh! Come with me." [graphic].

The early bird catches the worm [graphic].

Which wi[ll let go] first, the dog or the darkey [graphic].

[African American woman with a cat] [graphic].

[African American man pulling a donkey on a rope] [graphic].

[African American man riding a donkey] [graphic].

[African American man holding on to a bucking donkey] [graphic].

And he got! [graphic].

Who's dar? [graphic].

[African American man on a mule-drawn plow] [graphic].

H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.

Fred C. Davis, land surveyor and insurance agent, Felchville, VT., will insure against all kinds of accidents [graphic].

Go to Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's for the lowest prices in dry goods & notions, 442 & 444 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. [graphic].

Keuchen Cura. An old Dutch remedy for coughs and colds [graphic].

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

Every body uses Scull's champion coffee [graphic].

Bissell & Underwood, wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, provisions, flour, fruit, canned goods, choice teas, spices, &c., &c., Turner's block, Church Street, Willimantic Conn. [graphic].

Ole zip coon. Use kitchen and hand, mineral soap [graphic].

Colburn's Philadelphia mustard [graphic].

Who's dar? [graphic].

Use Dunham's concentrated cocoanut [graphic].

Use Dunham's concentrated cocoanut [graphic].

Carr & Murray, carpets, furniture & bedding, 61 & 63 Myrtle Avenue. Three doors from Jay Street, B[rooklyn] [graphic].

G.F.H. Guth, dealer in first class pianos, organs, sewing machines and musical merchandise [graphic].

G.F.H. Guth, dealer in first class pianos, organs, sewing machines and musical merchandise [graphic].

Hoyer & Milnor, great 99¢ store, 29 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA. [graphic].

[African American woman being courted by an African American man suitor as a dog bites his pants] [graphic].

Compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co. [graphic].

The Hunters three and O.N.T. [graphic].

Cartes de visite reproductions of Civil War era sketches by H.C. Bispham