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Skating in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

[Redfield residence, snow scene, 211 Upland Way, Wayne, Pennsylvania.] [graphic].

[Snow scene in Wayne, Pennsylvania.] [graphic].

Skating on the Schuylkill.

Prize Medal Skater.

Chas. S. Carpenter & Co. N.E. corner of Franklin and Willow Streets, Philadelphia.

Sweet Briar Farm and Ice Compy. houses

Elephant on Skates.

What Is It on Ice?


`Twould be a rather serious joke

When ancient damsels take to ice

Trying to Skate.

Compliments of Nice & Rau, varnishes, paints, oils, etc. 328 & 330 S. Second St. Philadelphia.

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts]

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts] [graphic].

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer.

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer. [graphic].

[Fitzgerald & Sons trade cards]

Stein & Jones, steam power printers & lithographers, no. 321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Summer luxuries.

Charles Brintzinghoffer, wholesale and retail brush manufacturer, No. 935 Market Street, Philadelphia.

Nath'l W. Appleton, stationer, No. 7 School Street, Boston.

Pavillion [sic] & flood gates

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia.

Ice scene on the Delaware, Philadelphia. [graphic] / Langenheim.

M[arriott] C[anby] M[orris] skating, Fairmount Park [Philadelphia, PA] [graphic].

Skating. Scene on the River Delaware at Philadelphia. Febry. 12th 1831.

A correct view of the City of Philadelphia on the Delaware River as it appeared on 25th of January 1852.

Cold Comfort--Ice Cream.

A Swan.

Heads I Win--Tails You Loose.

Hog on Ice

Scene--any Skating Park.


Propriety Personified.

[G. Byron Morse trade cards]

[Wm. Gunzer trade cards]

American Machine Co. manufacturers of hardware specialties, N.E. cor. Lehigh Ave. amd American St., Philadelphia.

Fairmount waterworks

Windy Day.

Ice Yacht - Machinery Hall

Windy Day.

Thin Legs.

The Exquisite.


[Partridge's cafe and dining rooms trade cards]

Ice scenes after the burning of the Jayne Building on March 5, 1872, Philadelphia.

Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856.
