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State House. Philadelphia. [graphic] / J. C. Wild ; Lith. of J.T. Bowen.

Interior view of Independence Hall, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone Max Rosenthal.

[Independence Hall, south elevation, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.]

The state house 1778.

[Rear of State House, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

Rear of Independence Hall. [graphic].

State House, Philadelphia, from Walnut Street.

 Independence Hall, Philadelphia. [graphic].

Independence Hall [graphic] / An original drawing by Donald C. Taber, 1934.

Liberty Bell, State House, Philadelphia.

The Liberty Bell, Phila. Pa.

Independence Hall, which first proclaimed Freedom, as "government by the people," -- Philadelphia.

View of the ruins caused by the great fire northeast corner of Sixth and Market st. which began on the night of Weds. April 30, 1856 - From the northwest. [graphic].

Independence Hall or State House, from the N.E. across the ruins made by the great fire N.W. corner of Chestnut & Fifth St. [graphic].

In defence [sic] of the Union and the Constitution. [certificate]

Independence Hall 1776. [graphic].

Centennial Medal

Independence Hall. [graphic].

Independence Hall. [graphic].

American Hotel, S. M. Heulings proprietor, Chestnut Street bet. Fifth & Sixth, opposite Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

Independence Hall in 1776, Philadelphia. = Unabhängigkeits Halle = Edificio de la Independencia en 1776 = Hotel de L'Independance.

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 1776.

Independance [sic] Hall.

The Liberty Bell, leaving Philadelphia for Boston, June 15th, 1903.

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

Back of Independence Hall from near 5[th] & Walnut Sts. [Philadelphia] [graphic].

State House from 6[th] & Walnut [streets]. [Philadelphia] [graphic].

[George Washington statue in front of Independence Hall, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

State-House garden, Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & Engraved by W. Birch & Son.

State House garden, Philadelphia [graphic] / Designed Engraved & Published by W. Birch Enamel Painter.

State House.

[Artist's study for the State-House garden, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[In commemoration of the centennial anniversary of our nation's birth.]

[Sketchbook of Philadelphia area landscapes and buildings] [graphic].

"The boys in blue," returning the state flags to the governor of Pennsylvania, Independence Square, Philadelphia July 4th, 1866. [graphic] / Rea & Sharp, engravers.

Independence Hall

The offering of the carriers of the press to their patrons. January 1st, 1863. [graphic].

Independence Hall postcards.

Clock tower of Independence Hall, Philada.

Independence Hall postcards.

[Collecting cards depicting Centennial Exhibition buildings]

1776, Centennial International Exhibition, 1876.

[Independence Hall]

[Liberty Bell in the Assembly Room, Independence Hall, 520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia]

Rear view of State House from Walnut St[reet] [graphic].

Independence Hall, where Declaration of Independence was signed 1776, Philadelphia, Pa.

The old Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa.

The old Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.

Independence Hall.

The old Liberty Bell.
