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- Title
- Andrew Johnson, 1808-1875
- Description
- U.S. president., American Celebrities Album., Retrospective conversion record: original entry.
- Date
- ca. 1870
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department American Celebrities Album [(I)P.9100.1f]
- Title
- Ohio Union presidential ticket. (Election November 8, 1864.) For president, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. For vice president, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee. Electors
- Description
- Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Republican Party (Ohio)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Repub 5793.F.45b
- Title
- At a meeting in the Representatives Hall of the capitol of Tennessee on the evening of September 12th, 1864, Col. R.D. Mussey, Judge J.M. Palmer, Dr. R.L. Stanford, and Captain J.F. Rusling were appointed to prepare an address expressive of the sentiments of the meeting. They submitted the following: To the loyal men and women of the loyal states---Greeting: We, officers and soldiers of the armies of the United States, stationed here, desire to join with you in devout ascriptions to the only giver of victory, ... Three years ago, when traitors attempted to destroy our nation, we all pledged ourselves to our country. ... We know that never before were the Rebels so nearly conquered. ... We have victory in our hands. If we fail to clutch it and retain it now, we are criminal, ... Believe not, brothers and sisters, we beseech you, those men, who preach a peace to be gained by our submission. ... Black men have in this war fought bravely for our flag, on the ocean and on the land. They have been true to our cause, and it would be monstrous injustice to allow them ever again to be held as chattels by the perjured traitors who once owned them. ... Brothers and sisters, we spurn the proffered "sympathy" of traitors who have never voted a man nor a dollar towards putting down this rebellion; and, not as partizans, nor politicians, but as patriots, we beg you, ... to elect Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson
- Description
- "This addressed was adopted, and the committee directed to circulate it for signatures. Copies may be obtained at Captain Rusling's office, on Cherry Street, or Colonel Mussey's officer, on Cedar Street." There are 58 names of signatories appended., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 At a meeting (6)5777.F.77 (McAllister)
- Title
- 15th Ward National Union ticket For president, Abraham Lincoln For vice president, Andrew John Electors. Morton McMichael ... Be careful and examine you tickets
- Description
- Twenty-five additional electors are listed after Morton McMichael., Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a U.S. flag, surrounded by the type-set verse: The Union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah! Down with the traitors, up with the stars, And we'll rally 'round the flag boys, rally once again, Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Fifteenth (5)5777.F.24b (McAllister)
- Title
- Who shall be vice-president? Shall he be a loyal or a disloyal man? Past experience shows that the choice of vice-president of the United States is almost as important as that of president. In case the latter dies or becomes unable to perform the duties of his office, they devolve to the former
- Description
- Text printed in two columns., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- National Union Executive Committee (U.S.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1864 Nat Union 5793.F.39a (McAllister)
- Title
- National Union ticket 13th Ward! For president, Abraham Lincoln. For vice-president, Andrew Johnson. Electors. Morton McMichael
- Description
- The names of 25 other electors follow Morton McMichael., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Nat Union (6)5777.F.70 (McAllister)
- Title
- A Southern peace! Democrats! Be not deceived with the idea that the Rebel leaders will willingly consent to a restoration of the Union. In the Rebel official report of the interview between Jefferson Davis and Messrs. Jaquess and Gilmore, Davis dismissed them with the declaration--"That the separation of the states was an accomplished fact; that he had no authority to receive proposals for negotiation except by virtue of his office as president of an independent confederacy; and on this basis alone must proposals be made to him." ... Democrats! Are you prepared to legalize secession, to recognize the independent sovereignty of the states, and thus to perpetuate revolution and civil strife? If not, vote for Lincoln and Johnson, and thus secure the only sure peace
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Southern (6)5777.F.81a (McAllister)
- Title
- Lincoln, Johnson and victory! Rally! Rally! Grand Union mass meeting! At Oxford, Chester Co., Pa
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a U.S. flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; intended as the top half of a poster twice this size?, Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Lincoln (5)5777.F.47 (McAllister)
- Title
- For president: Abraham Lincoln. For vice president: Andrew Johnson For presidential electors: C. Ben Darwin, of 1st congressional district. ... Free bridge. For. Against. The appropriation of seven thousand dollars out of the Swamp Land Fund of Polk County, Iowa, for the erection of a free bridge across Des Moines River, where Walnut street in the city of Des Moines intersects said city
- Description
- The head-piece is an eagle wrestling a snake., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Republican Party (Iowa)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Repub 5793.F.61a (McAllister)
- Title
- National Union ticket For president, Abraham Lincoln For vice president, Andrew Johnson. Be careful and examine your tickets. Electors. Morton McMichael
- Description
- The names of 25 other electors follow Morton McMichael., Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a U.S. flag, flanked by the type-set verse: The Union forever, hurrah boys, hurrah! Down with the traitors, up with the stars And we'll rally 'round the flag boys, rally once again, Showting the battle-cry of freedom., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Nat Union (5)5777.F.36 (McAllister)
- Title
- The Union forever! For president, Abraham Lincoln. For vice-president, Andrew Johnson For electors of the state of Maryland for president and vice-president of the United States. ... For governor, Thomas Swann
- Description
- At head of title: Baltimore City--Second District. Wards--8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20., Printed in red and blue; printed area measures 19.8 x 6.2 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Republican Party (Md.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Repub 5793.F.45c
- Title
- Union ticket. For president, Abraham Lincoln. For vice-president, Andrew Johnson For electors of the state of Maryland for president and vice-president of the United States. ... For governor, Thomas Swann
- Description
- Printed vertically along the left margin: Union ticket for voters residents of Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, Queen Anne's, Kent and Cecil counties., Printed in red and blue; printed area measures 15.2 x 7.1 cm., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Republican Party (Md.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Repub 5793.F.45d
- Title
- Stand by the Union In Union there is strength. No "rats" of any "age" for sheriff. Printers' tracts, No 1. "The time has come."--Lincoln. ... Printed in the line of the Grand Union Procession, on Saturday evening, October 8th, 1864; in favor of the election of Lincoln, Johnson, and the whole Union ticket
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Stand 5793.F.40b (McAllister)
- Title
- Grand gathering of patriots! All friends of Lincoln and Johnson! All gallant veterans who have fought for our glorious Union; all who honor our brave soldiers; all who are determined that the majority shall rule, all who would negotiate an honorable peace with Grant, Sheridan, Sherman & Farragut as peace commissioners; ... all Americans, native and adopted, are requested to meet at Independence Square, on Saturday evening, October 8th, 1864 to testify their devotion to the Constitution and the Union! which armed traitors in some states, and unarmed sympathizers in others are trying to overthrow Let all the people come! and with united voices proclaim, that in spite of slaveholding nabobs and European despots our country shall forever remain a free land for posterity and a home for the oppressed of all nations! God and our country, freedom forever. The following eloquent and distinguished speakers will address the meeting: Hon. Andrew G. Curtin, ... and other distinguished speakers. A grand display of fireworks will take place on the adjournment of the meeting in the square
- Description
- One poster printed on three 82 x 117 cm. sheets; second sheet begins: All gallant veterans who have fought for our glorious Union; third sheet begins: and with united voices proclaim, that in spite of slaveholding nabobs and European despots., The names of 23 other speakers follow Andrew G. Curtin., Printed in red and blue., The illustration, on the first sheet, is a U.S. flag, flanked by the typeset words: No North, no South, one country. The stars and stripes for all the land. Maine, Vermont, Mobile, Atlanta, Shenandoah., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- National Union City Executive Committee (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Nat Union (5)5777.F.41 (McAllister)
- Title
- National Union ticket Für Präsident: Abraham Lincoln von Illinois. Für Vice-Präsident: Andrew John von Tennessee. Man untersuche vorsichtig das nachstehende Ticket. Wähler.--- Electors. Morton McMichael
- Description
- Twenty-five additional electors are listed after Morton McMichael., Printed in blue., The illustration shows Americans gathered around the U.S. flag, before the temple of Liberty built upon the rock of the Constitution & Laws, with scenes of the Civil War in the background; surmounting all is the banner: One flag, one country., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Nat Union (5)5777.F.44 (McAllister)
- Title
- Tenth Ward! The friends of Lincoln and Johnson! Will assemble at corner of Broad and Race Streets, this, Friday evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, to make the necessary arrangments to participate in the grand torchlight parade on Saturday night Citizens of the ward intending to joins the cavalcade, please notice. The meeting will be addressed by the Hon. Charles O'Neill, " James Pollock, Hon. A.W. Benedict, Wm. S. Pierce, Esq
- Description
- The illustration, signed Maas & Co., is a portrait of Abraham Lincoln., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Tenth (5)5777.F.33 (McAllister)
- Title
- The Friends of Lincoln, Johnson, Union and victory, in the Fifteenth Ward, to our soldier-brothers in the Army, greeting "The time has come!" You have been defending the flag of the free with bayonet and bullet. You are now called upon to ballot-down this bloody rebellion, which has torn you from your homes and entailed upon the whole country war and desolation. ... We send you, enclosed, the electoral ticket which in voting represents the flag
- Description
- Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Friends 5793.F.40a (McAllister)
- Title
- National Union ticket 20th Ward! Lincoln, Johnson. Congress, Wm. D. Kelley Assembly, Franklin D. Sterner, 1st and 2d divisions. George De Haven, Jr., 3d and 11th divisions. Francis Hood, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th divisions. Common Council, Joseph F. Marcer. School directors, George W. Hill, James W. Packer, Fletcher Hartley. Alderman, Edward S. Fitch. Constables, Charles P. Coward, Joseph Griffith
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a U.S. flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Nat Union (5)5777.F.43 (McAllister)
- Title
- Lincoln and Johnson! Rally! Rally! Grand Union mass meeting, barbecue and public dinner! At Elkton, Md. Wednesday, November 2d. The following distinguished speakers will be present to address the meeting: Hon. Thomas Swann, Dr. C.C. Cox, Hon. E.H. Webster, Hon. R. Stockett Matthews, Hon. Alex. Evans, Hon. W.D. Kelley. Several bands of music are engaged
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a U.S. flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Lincoln (5)5777.F.48 (McAllister)
- Title
- Loyal mass meeting of the 15th Ward! Lincoln, Johnson, Kelley, and the whole Union ticket! A grand mass meeting of the loyal citizens of the Fifteenth Ward in favor of the present administration and a vigorous prosecution of the war and the election of Lincoln & Johnson to the presidency and vice-presidency, will be held on Wednesday evening, October 5th, 1864, at 8 o'clock, at the cor. of Eighteenth and Green Sts. Turn out in your strength and show your enemies that the loyal citizens of the ward are awake and preparing for the strife. The following distinguished gentlemen will be present and address the meeting: Hon. William D. Kelley, Col. William B. Mann, Enoch W. Green, Esq. Hon F.B. Penniman, of Wayne County, Thomas M. Coleman, Esq. Charles Gilpin, Esq. and others. To conclude with a grand display of fire-works
- Description
- Printed in red, blue, and black., The illustration is a U.S. flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1864 Loyal (5)5777.F.31 (McAllister)
- Title
- [Building of the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Troops, 1210 Chestnut Street, Nov. 1864]
- Description
- View of the Philadelphia building decorated in celebration of the military progress of African American troops and the abolition of slavery in Maryland on Nov. 1, 1864. A gaslight sign on top of the building declares, "God Save the Republic." A large transparency of vignettes with mottoes and quotes supporting emancipation covers the front of the building including a representation of the symbolic Federal Arch, a battle scene with African American soldiers, an auction of enslaved people, and an African American mother sending her child to school. The bottom of the transparency announces, "Emancipation Proclaimed," and contains portraits of President Lincoln, Vice-President Johnson, and prominent abolitionists, as well as words of appreciation for prominent Union Generals including Grant. A sign for the "Free Military School" to train commanders of "Colored Troops" is visible in the doorway., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from content., Reproduced in Kenneth Finkel's, Nineteenth century photography in Philadelphia. (New York: Dover Publications Inc., 1980), plate 176., LCP holds related broadside: "Emancipation in Maryland" (#Am 1864 Phi Sup (6)5777.F.40b)., McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photos - unidentified - Events [(6)5777.F.40a]
- Title
- The destruction of Pharaoh and his host. Moses is safe; let Pharaoh sink and where he goes he'll get his drink "The Lord delivered the people."
- Description
- Cartoon analogizing the victory of 1866 Radical Republican Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate John W. Geary with the Biblical story of Moses's passage of the Red Sea (Exodus) to signify the election result as a moral and political conquest over the Conservative Republicans who supported the policies of President Andrew Johnson. Shows Johnson as "Pharaoh," riding a chariot labeled "My Policy." His crown has been knocked off his head, and the sea rushes around the horse-drawn chariot. Conservative Republicans, including William Seward, are washed away around him. In the distance, "the people" trek across the land of "Pennsylvania" holding a "Geary and Victory" flag., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of views of Philadelphia.
- Creator
- Magee, John L.
- Date
- [ca. 1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866 Des [(2) 1322.F.20]
- Title
- [ Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats]
- Description
- Includes six captioned vignettes critically satirizing Southern democrats, copperheads, Jefferson Davis, and Andrew Johnson. Shows Democrats represented as an overseer forcing "Black Republicans" depicted as fleeing enslaved African American men, women, and children to vote their "Ticket in the South"; white men soldiers loading a cannon representing "General Grant giving the Rebel Copperhead Democrats some more grape"; Jefferson Davis fleeing in his "wife's petticoats"; "Johnson on a "Bender," after the Impeachment Trials; a skull and cross bones to symbolize that "Copperheads and Rebel Democrats are Poison"; and Johnson attired in torn and worn clothes and carrying a sack on his back as he is "Travelling for Tennessee." Several of caricatures also used as Civil War envelope designs., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from content., Created postfreeze., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War miscellanies. McAllister Collection, gift, 1886., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [ca. 1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons [ca. 1868] - Mon [(2)5786.F.176a]
- Title
- Fate of the radical party
- Description
- Cartoon predicting that the radical members of the Republican Party will be responsible for the party's defeat in the 1868 presidential election. Depicts a steaming locomotive in the shape of a bottle labeled "A Radical Cure - Lowell Bitters" in which Massachusetts representative Benjamin F. Butler is encased. The train heads toward the "Dutch Gap" being dug by incumbent Andrew Johnson holding a shovel of "Veto" dirt (reference to Johnson's numerous vetoes of radical reconstruction policies). Riding on and in the train are: Presidential nominee Ulysses S. Grant who smokes from the pipe-shaped train's smoke stack which is adorned with the head of an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature; Thaddeus Stevens as the engineer; and Vice-Presidential nominee Schuyler Colfax. On the tracks in the background, an African American man, portrayed in racist caricature, sits on a stool and writes atop the pedestal "Fame," and the "Constitutional Line" train proceeds to the White House "Depot.", Title from item., Date of publication supplied by Weitenkampf., Purchase 1979., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1868]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Political Cartoons - 1868-14w [P.8503]
- Title
- The man that blocks up the highway
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing President Andrew Johnson and his reconstruction policies as sympathetic to Southerners and an obstruction to Radical Republican policies and African American civil rights. Depicts Johnson with jackass ears standing at a road block labeled "veto" and greeting pardoned former Confederates, including an unrepentant white man counterfeiter and two white men ruffians. The ruffians brag about the murder of major-generals, curse the Yankees, and threaten an overthrow of the North and nullification of civil rights after the re-establishment of a Southern presence in the Congress. As Johnson welcomes the Southerners, he orders Secretary of State William Seward, attired as a servant, to pass around whiskey, belittles the barred "Radical Republicans," and boasts about his veto power. Behind the "veto" barricade, carriages driven by Republicans and labeled "Freedman's Bu[reau]," "Civil Rights," and "[Recon]struction," including one attended by an African American man portrayed in racist caricature, stand idle (an allusion to Johnson's vetoes of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the renewal of the Freedman's Bureau). The drivers compare Johnson with Marc Anthony who was "blowing before the People about his great love for the Constitution while conspiring with Caesar for the overthrow of the Republic." In the right, near crates of "Southern Appointments" and "Southern Pardons," John Bull and French dictator Napoleon III stand. Napoleon praises Johnson, proclaiming him "Emperor Americane." Also includes, a shack adorned with the sign "Andy Johnson Tribune of the People" in the background., Title from item., Date inferred from content., Originally part of American political caricatures, likely a scrapbook, accessioned 1899. Collection primarily comprised of gifts from Samuel Breck, John A. McAllister, and James Rush., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department political cartoons - 1866-5W [5760.F.111]
- Title
- [Building of the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Troops, 1210 Chestnut Street, Nov. 1864]
- Description
- View of the Philadelphia building decorated in celebration of the military progress of African American troops and the abolition of slavery in Maryland on Nov. 1, 1864. A gaslight sign on top of the building declares, "God Save the Republic." A large transparency of vignettes with mottoes and quotes supporting the Union and emancipation covers the front of the building including a representation of the symbolic Federal Arch adorned with an inscription; a battle scene with African American soldiers; an auction of enslaved people; and an African American mother sending her child to school. The bottom of the transparency announces, "Emancipation Proclaimed," and contains portraits of President Lincoln, Vice-President Johnson, and prominent abolitionists, as well as words of appreciation for prominent Union Generals including Grant. A sign for the "Free Military School" to train commanders of "Colored Troops" is visible in the doorway., Title supplied by cataloger., Date inferred from content., Reproduced in Kenneth Finkel's Nineteenth century photography in Philadelphia (New York: Dover, 1980), plate 176., LCP holds related broadside: "Emancipation in Maryland" (#Am 1864 Phi Sup (6)5777.F.40h)., Accessioned 1978., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of the Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department photo - unidentified - events [P.2000]
- Title
- An Au-Gust Convention
- Description
- Cartoon satirizing the National Union Convention, which met in Philadelphia in August of 1866, in an attempt to support President Andrew Johnson and his Reconstruction policies and elect a new Congress. Muzzled dogs, each representing a state, walk down a path towards a dog house labeled, “Wigwam,” which was the name of the structure in Philadelphia that was quickly erected for the convention. Outside the house, two guard dogs, representing Johnson supporters Edgar Cowen and James Rood Doolittle, each hold cats in their mouths, representing the two notorious Peace Democrats, or Copperheads, Clement Vallandigham and Fernando Wood, who were barred from the convention. At the head of the parade, the Massachusetts and South Carolina dogs march together, representing General Darius Nash Couch and Governor James Lawrence Oliver, the representatives from those states, respectively. These two men entered the Convention arm-in-arm to demonstrate the possibility for national reconciliation. The South Carolina dog, however, also has its genitals muzzled, as it was the first state to secede from the Union at the beginning of the war. In the left is a small, muzzled dog with a brush and bucket, labeled “N.Y. Times,” tied to its tail that represents Henry Raymond, co-founder of the New York Times and pro-Johnson Republican Congressman. Raymond organized the convention and was removed from his position as Chairman of the Republican National Committee because of it. In the left background, shows the White House with a Confederate flag, with “My Policy,” flying and a dead dog lying on the ground representing Johnson. Radical and moderate Republicans in Congress believed that his treatment of the Southern states under his Reconstruction plan was too lenient., Retrospective conversion record: original entry, edited.
- Date
- [1866]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | PRINT political cartoons - 1866-11 [5760.F.113]