Fair certificate containing an ornate border with seven vignettes related to agriculture and horticulture. Vignettes show a small herd of sheep; a farmer at his plow; a group of cattle; a town hall; a pair of horses; an iron worker with his assistant at a forge (resembling John Neagle's "Pat Lyon at his Forge"); and a gathering of barn animals. Animals include a pig, chickens, ducks, geese, and a turkey. Border also includes farm produce such as squashes, cherries, grape vines, herbs, and plants in addition to agricultural and farm implements, including a butter churn, rake, hoe, basket, pitcher, pail, sickle, shovel, and an ax. Also contains a vignette showing the coat of arms of Pennsylvania including the banner "Virtue, Liberty and Independence.", Not in Wainwright., Issued October 8, 1858 to Mrs. S. B. Lehman for greatest variety verbena. Sawr. Rightmeyer, Secretary. Simeon Guilford, President., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 54, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Bc 65 D 956
Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, artist
[ca. 1858]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bc 65 D 956