Tradecard illustrated with scrolls, filigree, a banner and a cherub drawing on a pad. William H. Lehman & Mahlon Bolton Jr., purchased the print shop of Jacob Haehnlen in 1873 and remained at the site until 1882 when the business relocated, following a fire, to 715 Arch Street. The firm was active until 1920., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 55
Lehman & Bolton
[ca. 1878]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.153g]
Trade card containing an ornate border design comprised of scrolls, banners, and an angel surrounding the advertising text. The lithographic firm operated 1873-1920., Not in Wainwright., Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Advertisement, Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 54
Lehman & Bolton
[ca. 1873]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Advertisement
Advertisement containing a view of the exterior of the six-story brownstone and print shop at 420 Library Street tenanted by lithographic partnership who purchased the business of Jacob Haehnlen in 1873. Signage advertising the "Jacob Hahenlen Lithographic Establishment" adorns the doorway, front, and side of "Goldsmith’s Hall." Building also adorned with large display windows and an American flag. View includes street and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians walk and stand on the sidewalk. Horse-drawn wagons and drays pass in the street. Floral details and a beehive border the view. Building destroyed by fire on December 20, 1882., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 56, Smithsonian Institution: NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Building
Lehman & Bolton
[ca. 1873]
Smithsonian Institution | NMAH Archives Center Warshaw Collection SI NMAH Archives Center - Warshaw Collection – Lithography – Vertical Box 2 - Lehman & Bolton - Building
Advertisement calendar for the year 1885 containing a sentimental, genre scene. Shows a long-haired child, possibly a boy, attired in a collared dress, bow at the waist, knickers, a wide-brimmed hat adorned with flowers, socks, and shoes with straps. The child holds a bouquet of flowers in one hand and holds out a sprig in the other. Advertisement also contains pictorial details depicting fruits and vinery framing the image. The firm, established in 1873 by William H. Lehman and Mahlon Bolton, Jr. from Jacob Haehnlen's former establishment at Goldsmiths' Hall, specialized in commercial lithographs such as billheads, letterheads, and advertisements., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 122, Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Helen Beitler and Estate of Helen Beitler.
Lehman & Bolton
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department PRINt Helen Beitler Graphic Ephemera Collection - Calendars [P.2011.10.165]