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From Porter's great American shoe store, 242 N. 8th St., Philadelphia.

Compliments of J. Westney, agt. Manufacturers of baby carriages, velocipedes, &c. No. 226 Dock Street.

[White woman being carried on a candy stick by a white man jockey and an African American man] [graphic].

[Four African men carrying a white man in a sedan chair] [graphic].

Midway Plaisance-Dahomans [graphic].

Jas. S. Kirk & Co. soap makers, Chicago. "Satinet" [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes. Presented by Chas. T. Croft, Little Falls, N.Y. [graphic].

Edwin C. Burt, fine shoes [graphic].

Kendall M'f'g. Co. Providence. R.I. French laundry soap [graphic].

[Hunter's handsome drug stores, cor. Pacific & New Jersey Aves., cor. Atlantic & Indiana Aves., Atlantic City, N.J. and cor. Fifteenth and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia]

“Universal family” Soapine, Kendall Mfg. Co., Providence, R.I. [graphic].

The rail candidate. [graphic]