Album page containing an unattributed drawing of a purple lily above a four-line poem about friendship. Lily is depicted with green leaves., Title supplied by cataloguer., Date from item., Includes four-line poem: "The crown imperial, lillies of all kinds,/The Flower-de-luce being one. Of these I lack/To make you garlands of, and my sweet friend/To strew thee o'er and o'er., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Mary Anne Dickerson album [13860.Q.26]
Invitation depicting an invitation illustrated with a small vignette of the church exterior tucked into a bouquet of lilies. All Saints' Church, founded in 1827, moved into its Twelfth Street building in 1846., Part of title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - All Saints' Church [1975.F.21]
View of water lilies and lily pads in the lily pond near Horticultural Hall in West Fairmount Park. Building, pond and gardens constructed for the Centennial celebration in 1876., Title printed on mount below image., Gray curved mount with rounded corners., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Robert M. Vogel., The Standard Series, mostly pirated stereographs, were created in New York in the 1890s.
[ca. 1890]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department stereo - unidentified - Parks [P.9047.145]
Series of illustrated trade cards promoting performances and events at the Academy of Music. Illustrations depict men and women dressed in costumes and dancing and celebrating Carnival, including a joker disembarking from a gondola; a little girl sitting in a lily pad; fairies; angels; jokers; butterflies; flowers; bust portraits of unknown actors in the Humpty-Dumpty show surrounding a vignette of a horse-drawn cart carrying "humpty-dumpty"; portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rial flanked by dogs; and L.H. Stockwell as lawyer Marks and his trained donkey Jerry. The Academy of Music was designed by architects Napoleon LeBrun and Gustav Runge. Building constructed 1855-1857 at the southwest corner of Broad and Locust Streets. Served as home of Philadelphia Orchestra from 1900-2000., Title supplied by cataloger., Printers and engravers include Bailey, Banks & Biddle, The Courier Lith. Co., Reen Lith. Co., H.A. Thomas, and Maerz Lith. Co., One of prints [1975.F.1] die cut in shape of keystone., Several of the prints contain promotional text printed on the recto and/or verso. Performances and events promoted include the Reception of the Bi-Centennial Mystic Tableau Association; Grand Cannstatter Carneval; Cannstatter Bal Masque; Maennerchor Carneval Mardi Gras; the Fairy Juvenile Troupe's Little Red Riding Hood; German Comic Opera starring Mme. Marie Geistinger.; Humpty-Dumpty (performance); and The Jay Rial Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., One print [P.2011.45.24] gift of David Doret., Digitized.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Academy of Music [1975.F.1; 1975.F.5; 1975.F.7; 1975.F.11; 1975.F.17; 1975.F.20; 1975.F.23-24; 1975.F.26; 1975.F.738; P.2011.45.24]