The rum seller stands at a bar and holds a decanter and a glass. He smiles, and a man smiles in the background. "Tin" is slang for "money.", Text: With a gay smiling face, or, with a sly wink. / Always ready to deal out something to drink; / Smashes, cocktails, and juleps, rum, brandy or gin; / It's no matter what, you want only the tin., Cf. Valentine 9.16, Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
The rum-seller stands at a bar and holds a decanter and a glass. He smiles, and a man smiles in the background. "Tin" is slang for "money.", Text: With a gay smiling face or with a sly wink, / Always ready to deal out something to drink: / Smashes, cocktails, and juleps, rum, brandy or gin, / It's no matter what: you want the Tin., Cf. Valentine 9.17., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.
A thin man in top hat with a dripping nose drinks from a teapot. On the left, two rows of casks containing liquour are smiling. One of the casks is labeled "Uncle Tom." On the right, a water pump is depicted with a mournful face, since the drunkard prefers liquor to water. The text suggests that no woman would take a proposal from him seriously, since he is unable to provide even for her basic needs., Text: You drink so much that it is plain / You must have water on the brain, / Dost think that any girl would jump / At offer coming from a Pump, / Or that thou ought thou man of water / To have a wife, who can't sup-porter., Provenance: McAllister, John A. (John Allister), 1822-1896, collector.