View of Centennial grounds looking down the Avenue of the Republic. Street lamps, benches, and fences in the foreground with various buildings in background.
View of Centennial grounds with the lake and several buildings, including the Main Building, Machinery Hall, the Pennsylvania State Building, visible. In the foreground is a cart with a tower topped by a flag. Two men on platform at top of tower, one man climbing up the tower, and three seated on the cart.
Interior overview of South Avenue in Machinery Hall. Depicts various machines and steam engines. Exhibit titles: Lovegrove & Co., Phila., Pa., Exhibit #588; Charles P. Gladwin, Phila., Pa., Exhibit #596, machinery hall, Bldg.#2.
Interior view of Machinery Hall along South Avenue from the East end. Depicts exhibit and displays from Germany, Great Britain and Ireland. In the foreground are two large cannons, part of the German section.
Interior view of Machinery Hall along North Avenue from the East end. Depicts exhibits and displays from Great Britain and Ireland [indicated by banners].
Interior view of Machinery Hall along North Avenue looking East. Depicted are various locomotives from steam engines to farm engines. Also shown are displays of wheels.
Exterior view of Machinery Hall in landscaped setting with sculpture, people, horse and carriage, and railroad tracks in foreground. Bells and flags on top of building.
Interior view of Machinery Hall along North Avenue. Shows railroad track along the entire isle. A railcar is positioned on the tracks. Depicted on either side of the rail tracks are machine parts and tools.
Exhibit titles: Schaffer & Budenberg, Buckau, Exhibit #3a; Krupp, Fried., Essen, Exhibit #49, Machinery Hall, Bldg. #2.
Interior of Machinery Hall, view of South Avenue looking west. In the forefront are two large Krupp guns. The sign for Great Britian and Ireland section visible.
Interior view of Machinery Hall. Depicts the section referred to as the Pump Annex. Shows a large, pooled area of water with raised pumps shooting water in a fountain-like display. Also portrays crowds of people sitting on benches watching the display.
Interior view of Machinery Hall along South Avenue looking East. Depicts locomotives and machine parts. Shown in the foreground is the exhibit by Lovegrove & Co. of Philadelphia.
Interior view of Machinery Hall. The foreground depicts the Russian section, which houses various weaponry on display. The background also shows the sections of exhibits belonging to Sweden and Belgium.
Interior view of Machinery Hall. Depicts a very large boat, known as the Ice Yacht, with white sails extending to the rafters of the Hall. People are seen walking at the base of the boat.
Interior view of Machinery Hall featuring the Homer Brothers' Exhibit. Depicted are samples of Homer Brothers' products, including glassware and pottery. Also shown is various machinery, along with the White Award they won at the Centennial Exhibition.
Interior view of Machinery Hall depicting C. Schlickeysen's Exhibit. The exhibit features the work of the firm of C. Schlickeysen, a German innovator and inventor the auger brick machine.
Interior view of Machinery Hall featuring the Verviers of Belgium Section. Depicts the exhibit as indicated by multiple signs reading, "Verviers Belgique". Also shows numerous looms on display, as Verviers of Belgium were makers of fine broad cloths and overcoats.
Machinery Hall from the north side reflected in a lake, with a canoe and raft in front. The Howe Monument is seen to the right. A carriage and people are in front of the building.
Interior view of Machinery Hall. Shows the exhibit by the American Steamship Company. Depicted is a display featuring several model ships, along with paintings and an architectural drawing of ships. Two benches are seen in front of the exhibit where viewers could sit to contemplate the display.
Architects: Machinery Hall -- Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wislon; Judges' Hall -- H.J. Schwarzmann; Pennsylvania Railroad Office -- Joseph M. Wilson; World's Ticket Office -- H.J. Schwarzmann; Centennial Photographic Association Building -- H.J. Schwarzmann.
Artist of the "Washington" monument is M. Dickerson Eyre.
Belmont Avenue with Bartholdi's Fountain prominent, lamp-lined walkways, landscaped grounds, the Washington monument and pedestrians, and several buildings, including Machinery Hall, Judges' Hall, Pennsylvania Railroad Office, Frank Leslie's Pavilion, World's Ticket Office, and Centennial Photographic Association Building.
Architects: Machinery Hall, Bldg. #2 - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson; World's Ticket Office, Bldg. #84 - H.J. Schwarzmann; Pennsylvania Railroad Office, Bldg. #113 - J.M. Wilson; Judge's Hall, Bldg. #109 - H.J. Schwarzmann & Hugh Kafka; Memorial Hall/Art Gallery, Bldg. #101 - H.J. Schwarzmann; Main Exhibition Building, Bldg. #1 - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson.
Exterior view of buildings lining Republic Avenue. On the road in front is a horse and cart and railroad tracks.
View of Machinery hall with flags on top and landscaped trees and shrubs in front. Foreground depicts locomotive and full passenger car with West End Passenger Railway Company next to a platform.
Aerial view of the exhibition from the reservoir.
Architects: Michigan State Building - N/A; New Hampshire State Building - N/A; Connecticut State Building - D.R. Brown, from a design by Donald G. Mitchell; Massachusetts State Building - N/A; Delaware State Building - E.L. Rice Jr.; Maryland State Building - George A. Frederick; U.S. Government Building - James H. Windrim; Main Exhibition Building - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson; Machinery Hall - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson.
Aerial view of the exhibition from the reservoir.
Architects: Connecticut State Building - D.R. Brown, from a design by Donald G. Mitchell; U.S. Government Building - James H. Windrim; Women's Pavilion - H.J. Schwarzmann; Machinery Hall and Main Exhibition Building - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson.
View of lake looking northwest from Machinery Hall. Cook's World's Ticket Office visible in foreground. U.S. Government Building and Michigan State Building visible in background. Also depicts fountains, railroad tracks, and boats.
Interior view of the Singer Sewing Machine Company's Building. Depicts a formal display featuring two mannequins wearing elegant gowns. Behind the mannequin display, the background shows embroidered, floral draperies hanging before the windows.
Interior view of Machinery Hall depicting the exhibit by the American Watch Company. Also shows the equipment and machinery used in the watch industry.
Architects: Main Bldg. -- Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson ; Machinery Hall -- Pettit & Wilson ; Pa. Bldg -- H.J. Schwarzmann & Hugh Kafka.
View of Centennial grounds with several buildings and the lake visible. In the foreground are carts, a tower topped by a flag, and a bench-lined walkway.
"View from the reservoir. The reservoir extended along the northwest boundary of the Exposition grounds. This view shows state buildings in the foreground (from the left: Michigan, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware and Maryland) and Machinery Hall, the Main Building and the Art Gallery in the distance."--Looney. Old Philadelphia. p. 221.
Aerial view of the exhibition from the reservoir.
Architects: Connecticut State Building - D.R. Brown, from a design by Donald G. Mitchell; U.S. Government Building - James H. Windrim; Machinery Hall and Main Exhibition Building - Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson.
Architects: Machinery Hall -- Henry Pettit & Joseph M. Wilson; Judges' Hall -- H.J. Schwarzmann; Pennsylvania Railroad Office -- Joseph M. Wilson; World's Ticket Office -- H.J. Schwarzmann; Centennial Photographic Association Building -- H.J. Schwarzmann.
Artist of the "Washington" monument is M. Dickerson Eyre.
Belmont Avenue with Bartholdi's Fountain prominent, lamp-lined walkways, landscaped grounds, the Washington monument and pedestrians, and several buildings, including Machinery Hall, Judges' Hall, Pennsylvania Railroad Office, Frank Leslie's Pavilion, World's Ticket Office, and Centennial Photographic Association Building.