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Ho! For fun! The wizard, Pettit will give an exhibition : at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] '64 Mothers, take your children. Children, take your parents and all of you go see Pettit, the magician.

The last night! Wizard of the East! : Splendid photograph album for the prettiest lady, and a tin cup for the ugliest man besides 100 presents! ... Admission 25 cents.

Moral, scientific and amusing! Prof. Harry Lee, A.M. : would respectfully announce to the citizens of this place that he will give a grand exhibition of laughing gas at [blank] on [blank] 1863 Twelve gentlemen of respectability will inhale the gas, who, w

If u want 2 c the [elephant] and see the Wizard of the East! : The great jongleur, ventriloquist, &c. 100 beautiful presents!! given away--free of charge. Admission to entertainments, 25 cents.

Wyman ventriloquist and wizard, : at Assembly Buildings! corner of Tenth and Chestnut Sts., Monday evening, March 14th, 1864 and continue twelve nights only, matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at three o'clock. Wyman's grand coup de etat in necromancy! He

Wyman ventriloquist and wizard, : at Assembly Buildings! corner of Tenth and Chestnut Sts., every evening: at eight o'clock. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at three o'clock. Wyman's grand coup de etat in necromancy! He will perform some of the most wo

Wyman! ventriloquist and wizard, : at Assembly Buildings corner of Tenth and Chestnut Sts. every evening this week Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at three o'clock. Positively the last week of Wyman, ventriloquist and wizard! With his dancing babies. W

Thanksgiving day! 4 performances. : Commencing at 10, A.M., 12, M., and 3 and 7, P.M. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. More mysteries in necromancy, and great scenes in ventriloquism! Sig'r Blitz the great magician and ventriloquist, with his lear

Learned canary birds! Immense powers of ventriloquism Natural magic and spirit rappings. Come and laugh : The celebrated and popular Sig. Blitz every evening, at half-past seven o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at three o'clock. ... The eve

Wyman ventriloquist and wizard, : at United American Hall Fourth and George Streets, Friday evening, April 1st, 1864 for the benefit of Camanche Association! Wyman's grand coup de etat in necromancy! He will perform some of the most wonderful things ever

Sig. Blitz the great magician and ventriloquist, with his learned canary birds : will give his grand performances at the above hall, every evening during the week commencing at half-past 7 o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 3 o'clock. Chil

Last week but one, of Sig. Blitz the great magician and ventriloquist, with his learned canary birds : who will give his grand performances at the above hall, every evening during the week commencing at half-past 7 o'clock, and Wednesday and Saturday afte

Sig'r Blitz the great magician and ventriloquist, with his learned canary birds! : will give his grand performances every eve'ng, commencing at 7 1/2 o'clk and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 3. Doors open one hour previously. Children, take your

Tenth week of Wyman! ventriloquist and wizard. : Monday, May 2, & every evening during the week Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at three o'clock. The wonderful programme respectfully dedicated to Wyman, the wizard, by the spirit of a dead poet. ... Adm

To make you laugh is our delight! : Grand concert to be given at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Wednesday evening, May 20, 1863, for the benefit of Billy Martin of the Philadelphia Minstrels, on which occasion t

Grand complimentary benefit to Billy Burr by his numerous friends, : on Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1864, on which occasion, a host of volunteers will appear, consisting of the following named artists: Mr. Ferdinand, in his champion bone solo. Billy Rose, th

Catalogue of theatrical and public celebrities

Orthodox [Russian] Church and a much sign be-splattered home of a magician next to it at 700 no 5" St [graphic].