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ASSU Illustration 7902

ASSU Illustration 7903

Copy of map of Sea Girt, 1877 Edition [graphic].

Portion of map of Sea Girt, 1877 Edition [graphic].

Children's Wooden Block Puzzle

[Regional planning map of Norristown, Pennsylvania.]

The Bergner & Engel Brewing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. [fire insurance survey]

[Incomplete set of "Series C" of "Hidden Book Titles" rebus puzzle card game] [graphic].

Children's Wooden Puzzle

Swedish School House - Interior

Memorial of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. 1876.

Memorial of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. 1876. [graphic] / Inger

Centennial souvenir Philadelphia. 1876. [graphic].

Kansas and Colorado State Building, interior.

[John Wanamaker & Co., 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street trade cards]

Civil War military campaign and battle maps. [cartographic material].

Florida Land and Improvement Company Hamilton Distton's purchase, 4, 000, 000 acres. [cartographic material] : Showing area in which lands have been selected. Offices: Chestnut & Third Sts. Philadelphia, Pa, no. 113 Broadway, New York, Jacksonville, Fla.

David Doret collection of Centennial ephemera

The Washington family.

Washington birthday greetings [graphic].